Chapter Two

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Dumbledore was speechless, he didn't even think his heart was beating. Cedric Diggory, and Harry Potter were soul mates.

"There is no possible way Harry could have murdered Cedric." Whispered a shocked Dumbledore. "There is no way a soul mate can kill another soul mate, their magic wont allow it. Dear Merlin, what have we done?"

"Exactly," said Kingsley. "Pettigrew doesn't know all the details from that night in the graveyard. Voldemort had taught him some spell, one that he didn't know the name of or what it did. He was told to use it on the Diggory boy, and he did. We never found a body, but assumed he was dead since the Diggory family tapestry listed him as, deceased."

"Harry is alive though, said Dumbledore, frantically trying to put the pieces together. "Maybe there was something in the spell that could force a soul mate to live without their other half?"

Dumbledore doubted it, as far as he knew there was no such spell that could safely separate soul mates, that had been bonded. "What was the spell?"

"We don't know, it was in Parseltongue, that's why Pettigrew doesn't know what the spell did."

Dumbledore started stroking his long beard, thinking. "Why didn't the goblins come forward when Harry was sentenced?"

"Harry asked them to take a vow of secrecy. He didn't want their bond getting out before they were ready to announce it."

"Who witnessed the bonding?" A bonding couldn't be completed without two witnesses.

"Your Weasley twins!"

Dumbledore closed his eyes as all the pieces started to come together. "That's why they have been trying so hard to see Harry. They needed him to revoke the vow, so they could show proof that he was innocent." If he would have just listened to them, taken them to visit Harry; then Harry would have been out of Azkaban months ago.

Harry had been in Azkaban for close to 8 months now. 8 months without his soul mate, and being tortured by Dementors. What condition must the poor boy be in?

"Albus, we sent an innocent, 14 year old child to Azkaban." Kingsley was trying not to be physically sick.

"We have to get him out of there. When will Amelia sign the release papers?" asked Dumbledore.

Kingsley reached into his pocket and produced a handful of papers. "All the paperwork is in order. We just need to get things set up for Harry on this end."

Dumbledore reached for the papers and started flipping through them. "Harry is going to be in a very bad way, I will be surprised if he has even retained his mind. Did I ever tell you that I suspected Harry was becoming an empath?"

"Merlin no!" Kingsley stood up and started pacing. "If he has even the slightest empathic ability, then Azkaban will have been ten time worse on him. He wouldn't have been able to block his mind, he would have felt what the other prisoners were experiencing, but most horrifying he would have felt the pain from the poor souls that the Dementors had taken."

Dumbledore dropped his head, but not before Kingsley saw a tear fall from his eye. "We need to gather everyone and break the news to them. We can take Harry to Grimmauld Place; Sirius and Remus have the place looking real nice."

"Albus, Sirius renounced Harry as his godson, he broke the bond."

Albus couldn't believe it, that was yet another horrible thing they did to poor Harry. Breaking a bond such as a godfather / godchild bond was extremely painful, and heart-breaking to the person having the breaking done too. Since Sirius was the one who broke the bond, he felt no pain, or suffered any affects from it. Having the bond broke like that must have damn near killed Harry.

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