Chapter Nineteen

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" Jacob Black!" roared Sam " Who the hell do you think you are overriding my orders?" Sam had been furious when he found out that Seth had went to meet with that boy, but he became livid when he found out that Jacob had talked him into going.

Jacob got into Sam's face. He was tired of how Sam was leading the pack, and he was tired of being bossed around. He had an imprint that he needed to protect and he had to prove himself to her family. He wasn't going to let Sam run them out of Forks. He may not know all their secrets but he could tell that Harry was a good kid that had been hurt real bad. Even after attacking him, Harry was going to give him a chance. He would really like to know how Edward- freaking- Cullen was his imprints father. How does a vampire sire a baby?

" You don't want to be getting into my face, Sam Uley." snarled Jacob. " I haven't yet challenged you for alpha, but I am the grandson of Ephraim Black and I was born to be chief. You were hurting Seth by keeping him from his imprint and you were breaking our laws."

Sam's face was turning red in anger. He was the first to shift and he was the pack alpha. Not even the grandson of the great Ephraim Black was going to take that away from him. Jacob may be bigger then him in human and wolf form but he couldn't take him.

" Males do not imprint on males, it is unheard of and unnatural. That family is not normal, and they do not belong here." yelled Sam.

" What the hell Sam, incase you haven't noticed, nobody is normal around here. We are a pack of shape shifting werewolves for crying out loud. There is a coven of fucking vegetarian vampires living in town, with crazy gifts. Tell me, how do they not fit in here?" screamed Jacob.

Neither man noticed that they were starting to draw a crowd. Most of the pack had assembled along with the tribe Elders. They knew eventually that Jacob would challenge Sam. Jacob was born to lead, not follow. Billy Black, Jacobs father, watched nervously but he was also proud that his son was standing up for his pack brother. An imprint was your soul mate, regardless of gender or race. Sam was wrong to ban Seth from seeing his imprint.

" Seth broke alpha's orders and he will be punished for it. He is not to be seeing his imprint, or leaving the reservation. If you try to help him Jacob, you will also be punished." ordered Sam.

Jacob stepped closer to Sam and snarled in his face. " I Jacob Black, challenge you, Sam Uley as rightful alpha of the Quileute pack. Do you accept my challenge?" boomed Jacob, so all assembled could hear his challenge.

Sam licked his lips in nervousness, he honestly didn't think that Jacob would challenge him as pack alpha. Curling his top lip back, he snarled. " I Sam Uley, alpha of the Quileute pack, accept the challenge for alpha by, Jacob Black."

Billy called out loud and clear. " Challenge for alpha issued and accepted. This is not a fight to the death but a fight until one can not continue and submits. Loser accepts to follow the lead of the alpha and no future challenges may be issued. This is a one time shot, Jacob if you lose you will never be able to challenge Sam again. Sam of you lose, you will never be able to challenge Jacob for the position of alpha. Do you both agree to the terms?."

Both men glared at each other, unblinking. " We accept the terms." They said at the same time.

Billy nodded his head at the pair. " Alright then, you have ten minutes to prepare." Billy turned to the rest of the pack. " There will be no interference, is that understood?" At seeing all the shifters nod, he added. " You will follow whoever comes out as alpha." Once again they all nodded.

Seth was wringing his hands anxiously, this was all his fault. He should have just obeyed Sam. Now Sam and Jacob were going to be fighting over alpha position. Seth approached Jacob where he was stretching, topless and with a pair of cutoff jean shorts. " Jake, don't do this. It's not worth it, I will stop seeing Fred." Seth had to clench his first over his heart, it physically hurt to say that.

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