Chapter Twenty-one

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"I can't believe you won't sign the papers. Don't you care about Harry, don't you want to give him the family that he always wanted?" pleaded Molly. She had been trying to get her husband to sign the adoption papers all evening. She couldn't believe how stubborn Arthur was being.

Arthur sighed and lowered the paper he had been reading, well trying to read. "Obviously Molly, I care more for Harry then you do." snapped Arthur.

"Harry has a family, one that cares a great deal for him, one that only wants to see him happy."

"Bill!" yelled Molly. She was so focused on getting her husband to sign the adoption papers that she never heard her son floo in. Molly ran to hug her son, but was shocked when he moved away from her.

"You need to leave Harry and his daughter alone." said Bill sternly. "Harry is happier then what I have ever have seen him. He has a father in Severus and I and brothers in the twins. Harry has also made some amazing friends where we are living at, ones that would never betray him for five minutes of fame." They had decided not to tell everyone about Cedric until after he had a chance to confront his father.

"Bill, I'm sorry but you are not ready to be a father to a teenage boy. What do you mean, you and Severus?" demanded Molly.

Bill rolled his eyes. "I am Severus' mate and we are adopting Harry."

Molly threw down the adoption papers that she had been holding. "You,,, you are Severus' mate? Oh dear, that's wonderful." Molly gave Bill a hug, but didn't miss the lack of response from him. "You two are just starting your life together, you don't need to be burdened with a teenager and his infant daughter. Now, tell your father to sign the papers."

Bill just stood there staring at his mother in disbelief. "What is wrong with you? Why are you insisting on making Harry miserable? I hate to break it to you mother, but Harry never wants to see you again. He is happy, so very happy. If you truly want him to be happy then you will leave him with Severus and I."

Molly smiled at her son. "William, I understand that Harry has some hurt feelings, but he will come around. He just needs to see that we only want what's best for him. He needs to finish his schooling, find a nice girl or boy and settled down."

"Some hurt feelings." Bill whispered. "Are you kidding me, some hurt feelings? Harry ran, ran from you, and ran from the wizarding world. He has more then, some, hurt feelings. You all sent him to Azkaban without even getting the facts, you horribly betrayed him."

Arthur walked over to his upset son and placed his had on his shoulder. "Congratulations on finding your mate, I wish you all the happiness. Please, tell Harry how sorry I am for doubting him and not standing up for him. " Arthur turned to his wife. "I will not be signing the papers and if your mother keeps it up, I will be getting a room at the Leaky Cauldron."

Molly covered her mouth with her hand. In all their years of marriage, Arthur had never threatened to leave her. Tears started to fill her eyes. "I just want to help Harry, I feel so guilty."

"Forcing him to return to the place that he hates and to the people that hurt him, is not helping. Harry hasn't been able to eat or sleep since he found out about you trying to adopt him. He has been crying and clinging to his daughter, the daughter that you want to tear out of his arms. He was so happy when Severus and I offered to adopt him. You need to let him decide on his own to return, not force him. Let him heal, let him find himself." pleaded Bill.

Molly fell into the kitchen chair and covered her face with both her hands, crying. She knew that there was no way that Harry would ever return on his own. "Every night I have nightmares about Harry being in Azkaban and about what Amos did to him. I just want to give him the love that he deserves."

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