Try to let go & mistakes

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It had been one week since Cheryl and Toni walked away from their friendship both of them were sad and boring. Neither of them would hang out with the group at the same time Betty and Kevin were not happy that Veronica made this happen they weren't her biggest fan. But they did understand where Cheryl was coming from.

Toni POV
One week later

I was sat in the cafeteria with betty and her boyfriend(jughead) and Kevin. I really missed Cheryl without her here I was quiet and sad. Cheryl had made some new friends she is a bright character so I can understand why. She and Archie Andrews had gotten really close and she had gotten close with a girl called Taylor Rae who was her childhood bestie apparently.

Then Cheryl came walking in with Archie and Taylor and she walked straight past us 4 she didn't hate us she hung out with Betty and Kevin just when I wasn't there.

I watched Cheryl walked past and we made eye contact for two seconds and we both looked away instantly I went into a daydream thinking about her

"Toni"Betty said waving her hand in front of my face
"Yeah what"I said snapping out of it
"What are you thinking about"jughead asked

I didn't answer just looked over at Cheryl and admired her beauty she was laughing at something Archie had said. That giggle was still my most favourite sound.

"Oh I see a certain redhead over there"Kevin said smirking
"Shut it Keller"I said annoyed
"Why don't you just text her or talk to her"Kevin asked and Betty nodded
"She made it very clear she doesn't want to be my friend"I said sadly and looking down
"Toni she didn't say that"Betty said
"How would you know you weren't there"I said angrily
"She made it very clear your in a toxic relationship and she doesn't want to watch her friend be controlled by a rich girl"Betty said and she was right
"Yes I know and I'm stupid for letting her walk away"I said and put my head in my hands
"Couldn't agree more"Kevin said under his breathe
"What was that Kevin say it a little louder"I said annoyed
"Couldn't agree more are you death"he said and got up and walked away to Cheryl and her friends
I sighed and rolled my eyes

"Don't worry Toni he's just annoyed he'll come around"she said and looked over at him and Cheryl smiling
"No he's right I'm stupid for letting her go"I said and looked over to her and admired her beauty  and suddenly she looked at me and smiled and looked away
"Toni you need to try and let go of her"jughead chirped into our conversation
"No offence jughead but if someone walked out of your life like Betty would u be able to let go straight away" I said clearly pissed off and he stayed silent
"Exactly so shut up"i said angrily
"God sake Toni calm down"Betty said now annoyed
"Oh sorry Betty I'll leave u too be"I said and stormed off and kind of made a scene

The only person who could cheer me up right now was Cheryl. I went up to the roof the exact place me and Cheryl said our goodbyes and cried.

Cheryl was like this weird source of happiness for me. Just seeing her made me feel better. I missed her so much and to think I lost her to my stupid girlfriend that hurts even more. One thing that Cheryl said that is just playing on my mind was

"Then Toni you love her and that's why you can't let her go"Cheryl said still annoyed
"What no I don't"I said angrily. Do I love Veronica

What she said was a question in reality in my mind do I love Veronica Lodge. If I did I don't know why because she treated me awfully. Cheryl on the other hand was like my twin flame yet so different. Cheryl not being my friend didn't change anything between me and Veronica she was still a bitch

At the minute I hated checking social media it was just Cheryl and her friends. I hate to admit it but I think I might have been jealous.

These were her recent social posts

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