Just hear me out & tinkerbell ?

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Toni POV
Same day as last chapter

"What's her deal"Veronica said
"You"I replied and got up
"Not you as well"Veronica said with a huff
"No Veronica we're over want me to spell it out to you o-v-e-r over"I replied annoyed and walked off
"Got get your redhead then"she yelled
"Got get a man whore you pathetic rich bitch"i yelled back and walked out with tears in my eyes and ran off to the toilet

I just stared at myself in the mirror placed my hands on the counter. Stared at myself wondering why I stayed with Veronica for as long as I did I wondered why I liked Cheryl and what attracted me to her  and one question always wondered in my mind what is the deal with Cheryl and Taylor. I wiped my tears away and fixed my make up some girls walked in and out in the process offering small smiles others ignoring me and taking pictures of themselves.

I walked out the toilets I still had 30 minutes till first lesson so I walked outside the building to the front I lent against the door frame and the first person I saw was Cheryl smoking talking to a boy in college (I think) which is the building across the road from the school. The boy had brown eyes like Cheryl's gingery brown hair and fair skin like hers but a bit darker than Cheryls his body was even bigger than archies definitely a strong boy he looked like a Hugh school jock he saw me staring as he was facing me and Cheryl's back was too me.

"Got a problem"he asked in his manly voice which scared me his accent was liken Irish one tho
"Yeah I need to talk to Cheryl"I said and she didn't turn around
"Cheryl you know this"he asked and she turned around and rolled her eyes
"Unfortunately"she answered flicking ash
"So what you need to talk to her about"he asked guarding her
"She's know "I answered "Cheryl I just want you to hear me out"
"What is she talking about"he asked her
"It's nothing Toni go to the bleachers I'll be there in 10"she's said and put her cigarette out.

I went through the doors but obviously didn't walk far I wanted to here the conversation.

"So cher you coming my dad and reigns tonight"he asked her
"My mam will make me go up so yeah"she answered. Mam I thought weird
"Phoenix what are you doing at my school anyways you obviously didn't just come to give me a cig it's a nice surprise I missed you"she said sadly
"Ey head up"he said and picked her up and spun her around while she giggled
"I missed you cher"he said hugging her
"I missed you more I had no family out there in Canada"she said sniffling
"I felt like I had no family your the only one I can bare"he said ruffling her hair
"Rude and Hey the hair is off limits" she said pulling away and he laughed
"I'm gonna go and you should go make things right with that girl she seems sorry"he said with a smile
"More like nervous think you scared her"she said and he laughed
"I'll see you tonight"he said and winked
"You wish tell your dad I want pasta" she shouted
"Got it blossom"he said
"Fuck off Jackson"she shouted back and turned around so I ran really fast to the bleachers through the big crowd of people.

I was watching the autumn leaves blow along the fresh cut grass hearing the sounds of birds tweeting lightly through my Ear phones while selena gomez played when Cheryl stood in front of me.

"Hey" i said and looked at her and she sat down near me on the same bench but far away
"What do you want"she said not looking back
"To talk to you and apologise"i answered
"I'm fed up of hearing your stupid apologies"she said kicking stones i stayed silent
"You know how i think of us"she asked and looked at me and i could see the hurt in her eyes
"Go on" i said back
"Like this Tinkerbell had always been there for peter like i was for you but peter he chose wendy just like you chose veronica"she said looking me straight in the eyes but quickly looked away
"Im sorry you felt like that" i said looking down and she stayed silent
"I wish there was something between us"i said honestly
"Me too"she replied
"Really" i asked surprised
"Yeah a wall"she said sarcastically making me chuckle
"Shut up"i said playfully
"Make me"she said
"Okay" i said and leaned in and kissed her and pulled away and she smirked and leaned in again and i smiled and leaned in and as she kissed my lips i felt like a 100 fireworks exploding over us the kiss wasnt long but when u know u know

She pulled away first and tried to hide her smile
"Hey i wanna see your smile"i pouter
"Ughhh"she whined
"Come on i like your smile its cute"i said and she lifted her face up
"Finally"i said and she giggled

"Cheryl blossom will u please let me take you on a date tonight"i asked poshlt and she laughed
"I cant i have to go phoenix's dads house with my mum and dad but you can come if u like"she asked
"Anywhere your are i am"i said "does that guy like u or somet or are u family"i asked
"Oh god no i refuse to be related to him hes just a family friend but warning bettys family will also be there"she said and got up and kissed my cheek

"Meet me at the garages at 5"she said and walked away swaying her hips

"Nice ass blossom"i said cockily
"Fuck you"she said and stuck her middle finger up and i giggled knowing im definitely going to fall in love with this girl

"Nice ass blossom"i said cockily "Fuck you"she said and stuck her middle finger up and i giggled knowing im definitely going to fall in love with this girl

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