Pt4-be smart for a change & fuck off toni

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Toni PoV

All i could think about was cheryl. She looked upset and angry.

I looked over to her and she had Taylor sat on her lap very close I thought they were whispering stuff in eachothers ears and giggling and making sexual jestires i could assume and kevin sat next to them and betty sat to his right they were taking selfies and pictures of Cheryl and taylor.

I decided to just go over and stop overthinking and everything that could happen.

I stood in front of them and kevin and betty didnt even so much as smile at me just carried on taking pictures and taylor rolled her eyes and cheryl didnt even look at me just carried on my whatever her and  taylor were doing. Until one of them spoke.

"Antoinette"cheryl said sternly
"Can we talk"i asked
"I dunno can we usually it doesnt end well"she said with a smug look
"We'll be five minutes tops"i said with now all of them looking at me
"I dont have much to say to you so dont think i want to talk"she said and got her phone out
"Come on cheryl please"i said while her and taylor were taking pictures on what i assumed was Snapchat she ignored me
"Coming now sorry needed a pic for memories obvies"she said and taylor got off her lap and she got up
"Bye bitch"she said and kissed taylors cheek and grabbed her drink
"Ta ta queen"taylor said

We walked away in a cold awkward horrible silence which i hated it was horrible because walking with Cheryl was always full of laughs jokes life stories hand holding but i know that will never happen again.

We went and sat on the front steps of the pembrooke a good distance apart. Some teens sat on the streets.

"What do u want"she asked coldly
"To apologise"i said back calmly
"Dont bother"she said back
"Cheryl look i-
"No toni im fed up of u chasing a stupid girl who u now probably love and are head over heals for shes a fake bitch playing u for fuck sake your literally her puppet"she said back not yelling just in a annoyed tone
"Im not her puppet"i said back angrily
"I could bet i know what she is using you for be smart for a change"she angrily said back
"Shes not a user"
"Oh but she is"she said back cockily
"Shut up cheryl"i yelled
"You know what fuck off toni"she said and threw her drink at me a whole cup of red wine all over me "toodles you delusional mother fucker" she said and dramatically walked away

I was letf there kid laughing at me. I got up and left walked home.

Cheryl POV

I got back to taylor kevin and betty grabbed there hands and said "fuck that bitch im getting white girl wasted"

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