School's walking embarassment

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Monday morning
Toni POV

I walked into school and everyone was staring at me so im assume word got around about the party. I felt the schools walking embarrassment.

"Toni wait up"sweet pea said running up to me in the corridor
"Oh hey sorry"i said as he caught up to me
"So tones how did the party go"he ask smirking
"So pea how did exclusion dor two months go"i said back
"I asked first"he said back as we got to my locker
"It was absolutely shit to put it quiet simply"I said and opened my locker
"Didn't get your new girl then"he asked teasingly
"Not my girl pea"I said and rolled my eyes
"She would've been if you didn't screw it up topaz"he said cockily
"My god shut up pea"I said and slammed my locker in his face and walked away to the student lounge

I walked into the student lounge and Archie was on the longest sofa on the right end and on the left end was Taylor with her feet on the coffee table and Cheryl had her head lay on Taylor lap and feet on Archie legs. And Kevin and the chair Betty jughead and fangs on the other sofa.

When I walked in Taylor and Cheryl were playing with each others hand and kissing each others cheeks and Archie was on his phone and looking over at Cheryl Kevin was talking to Betty and fangs and jughead admiring Betty's beauty. But as I walked in it all stopped as I walked in they all looked at me and Cheryl and Taylor looked away first really quickly everyone else turned away apart from Betty. Cheryl and Taylor went back to what they were doing but whispering and both of them kept giggling and then leaning down or up and kissing each other's cheeks. Archie kept kicking Cheryl to annoy her Kevin started talking to jughead and fangs. And betty started talking to me.

"Hi ya tones"she said awkwardly
"Hi Betts"I replied
"Wanna sit down"she asked and Cheryl just glared at her
"Um well I don't know"I said and rubbed my neck
"Come on you guys don't mind do you"she said gesturing them
"No yeah join us toni"Cheryl said fake happily and Taylor rolled her eyes along with Archie
"Oh okay"I said and sat on the arm of bettys sofa she was sat on and as on que Veronica walked in and everything was every person in there the nerds the jocks every one went silent an awkward

"Hey babe"she said and kissed my cheek and Cheryl and Taylor made sick noises and actions and whispered something to each other
"Got something to say to us girls"Veronica asked sassily
"No that's why we whispered"Taylor replied rolling her eyes
"Don't be smart"Veronica said back
"Sorry that someone is actually better than you Veronica there smart something you can't do surprise surprise"Cheryl said cockily and Betty Taylor laughed
"Shut it girlfriend stealer"Veronica snapped and most people tried not to laugh
"Who did I steal Toni, please I've got over that thick bitch"she said and that broke my heart because I know I should've picked Cheryl over Veronica she's a manipulative bitch
"You just called my Toni a bitch"Veronica questioned
"Oh my god did I I'm so sorry"she said sarcastically and got up and so did Archie Taylor and Betty and walked out

"What's her deal"Veronica said
"You"I replied and got up
"Not you as well"Veronica said with a huff
"No Veronica we're over want me to spell it out to you o-v-e-r over"I replied annoyed and walked off
"Got get your redhead then"she yelled
"Got get a man whore bitch"i yelled back

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