Part 1- The Party games are just beginning

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Toni POV

It was now Friday and the day of Veronica's party and I have to go I didn't even have a choice

The party was at eight so I have some time to get ready. Tonight I'm just going to have fun and basically try and forget I'm in a relationship I know it sounds bad but Veronica will probably do the same and tonight I'm going to try and talk to Cheryl.

Outfits for main people
Toni outfit

Outfits for main people Toni outfit

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Cheryl outfit

Cheryl outfit

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Betty outfit

Veronica outfit

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Veronica outfit

Back to the party

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Back to the party

Cheryl POV
Me Taylor and Betty had just got to the party. We walked in and music was blaring it was dark with disco lights on the only light source I saw was coming from the kitchen.

Betty had left us to go find kevin probably to fill him in on all the so called 'gossip'. Me and Taylor linked arms and want to the kitchen got a cup of wine each and went over to a sofa and loads of other dolled up people were around us. I lay my head on Taylors lap and put my drink floor while she twirled my perfectly curled hair between her fingers.

"How are you C"she asked
"I'm doing fine Taylor"I lied
"Your lying Cher I know you"she said and rubbed her thumb across my jawline
"Okay okay I'm sad about everything"I said and cuddled into her more
"Aww baby it will be fine"she said and hugged me really tight and all my bad thoughts went away until someone shouted spin the bottle with a twist

I sat in the circle with loads of other people
And Veronica stood up and spoke "my game my rules you play how I say got it everyone"she said with a smirk and death stared me and everyone cheered
She spun the bottle and of course it landed on me
"So blossom truth or dare first"she said with a smirk so either way I had to do both
"Truth"I said with confidence
"Okay is it true you have a crush on Toni"she said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes
"No whoever spread the rumour about us lied because I'm still getting over my ex so now what is it oh of course my dare"I said with sass
"Okay Miss bombshell kiss someone in this room"she said and he smirk was now like a devil and I could see Toni staring at me from a corner but I didn't want to pick her Toni to me was just a friend I've barely known the girl for 2 weeks
"Sure" I said and got up
"Ooo your actually going to do it"she said

I reached out for Taylor's hand and she got up and smirked and I whispered in her ear "let's give them a a show" and she smirked and leaned in and so did i we pecked and pulled apart and went back in and added tongue and I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled closer to me and she wrapped her arms around my waist and the kiss got more intense my hands in her hair and everyone was cheering and we just pulled away and giggled and sat back down. I sat back down and just saw toni staring at me.

"And the party games are just beginning"Veronica said and smirked at me

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