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ROSE: Is he mad?

DIANA: Of course he's mad,you judge Nikki without knowing her.

ASTORIA: We should apologize to her.

AMBROSIA: I will never apologize to her.

ADONIS: Ambrosia,please. It's all your fault after all.

AMBROSIA: I don't care,I will never apologize to her.

VENICE: I will apologize to her for the sake of Hawk.

ASTORIA: Then,should we go now?


AMBROSIA: Okay,I'm going to apologize to Nikki,but are we really going to trust her?

ASTORIA: We need to apologize and then try to be friends with her.

AMBROSIA: I will apologize but I will never be friends her.

ASTORIA: Just apologize to her now.

(They went to the Garden and saw Hawk and Nikki talking to each other.)



AMBROSIA: Did Hawk,tell you about what we did?

NIKKI: Yeah.

ROSE: Aren't you mad at us?

NIKKI: Not at all,it's okay. I know that you're all just being overprotective to Hawk and don't worry were really just friends.

AMBROSIA: Oh,really?

NIKKI: It's okay to don't trust other people but if you want to trust by others you need to learn how to trust them too.

(They were all silent after hearing those words.)

HAWK: We need to go now,bye guys.

AMBROSIA: Bye Hawk.......Bye Nikki.

ROSE: Bye.


(Hawk and Nikki get inside the car and the car left.)

ASTORIA: I can't believe what I heard.

ROSE: Yeah,it's like she's reading our mind.

DIANA: What she said is true and all of you need to remember it.

ROSE: I still have something inside me that tells me to not trust her.

DIANA: Really Rose?!!After she accept your apology?

ROSE: You don't know about trusting other people. I trust someone before but she betrayed me and now I will only trust the people I want to,you guys.

ASTORIA: Thanks for trusting us Rose.

AMBROSIA: We will never betray you.

ROSE: I know.

DIANA: I know what it feels of betrayal,I know what it feels when someone is judging you even they don't you,I know what it feels when the others hate you,I know what it feels of not having a true family,I know what it feels to be left alone by everyone and I have so many questions like why it happened to me? Do you all know what it feels like?(run away.)

ASTORIA: I didn't know that happened to Diana.

ALYSHA: Looks like you don't know her very well yet.

LING-LING: Shut your mouth Alysha.

ALYSHA: What did I do?

LING-LING: It's okay Astoria.

Regal Academy(Earth Version) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now