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Hey everyone,I'm here again I hope you like this new chapter ☺️☺️☺️
Sorry for not updating immediately.



We are now outside in front of the fire pit and eating, after we eat Diana will talk about the saddest event in her life and how she overcame it. I hope she'll be okay.

"Diana,can you start now?' Mr. Smith asked Diana

"Yes,Sir." Diana says smiling but I saw in her eyes that she's sad "The saddest part of my life is when my sister dies,she's not just a sister to me she's my bestfriend,my hero,my angel,she's everything to me. One day I woke up she's gone,totally gone and the most heartbreaking for me is that I didn't even say goodbye to her before she dies.

"That was so sad,how'd you overcome it?" Mr. Smith asked

"At first,I didn't want to accept that she's gone but when the time passes I accept the reality that she was totally gone but deep inside my heart,she's still here and she will never ever gonna leave here." Diana says as tears starts rolling down on her cheeks,I feel so sad for her. Everyone clapped they're hands.

"She said acceptance is her key to overcome it." Mr. Smith "Next student."

Three other students also tell they're saddest stories but I didn't bother to listen anymore because I'm comforting Diana who was still crying.

"I know you're not okay so I'm not gonna ask but please stop crying,I'm gonna cry too if you don't stop." I said to her

"Please stop crying,I also can't stand seeing you like that." Astoria said to Diana

"I'm sorry,I just can't help but to feel the pain in my heart because I remember it again. I remember her and everything that we've done together,I'm in so much pain right now and I don't know how to stop it." Diana says as tears start rolling down her cheeks again

"You can't stop the pain because your heart will feel it on its own. If you stop it you will only hurt yourself more." I said, while trying to comfort her

"True,so stop crying but don't stop the pain." Astoria

"Thanks Nikki,thanks everyone. I feel much better now." Diana

"Good to hear that you're finally okay." Joy

Five other students also shared their saddest stories and the last to tell the story for this night is Ambrosia.

"Hi,the.saddest event in my life was when my brother went abroad."Ambrosia says trying to smile "He is my brother,my protector,my prince that's going to be with me all the time. He is the only person I trust the person who understands me in everything,he was the only person I leaned on when I was weak so when he left I was having a hard time that he's not here around me anymore."

"How'd you overcome it?" Mr. Smith

"I'm sending a letter for him everyday or were going to chat or video chat sometimes and when I really can't make it without him I'll go where he was with my parents and spend the day with him and then go back here. That's what I do." Ambrosia says proudly

"Okay,Thank you Ambrosia for sharing this."

"Your welcome Sir,happy to share it." After that,Ambrosia walked right on to us and look at me "I can't wait to hear the saddest part of your life Nikki,I hope you make me cry."

"I'm sure you're not going to cry in this." I say

She glared at me so I fought her look ang glare at her too,the tension between us stopped when Mr. Smith told everyone to get inside the house because it's getting late now and we need to sleep.

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