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Alysha,Shawn and Esquire go to the soccer field and saw Hawk and Travis playing in the field.)(When Hawk and Travis saw everyone they stop playing.)



HAWK: Where is Nikki?

AMBROSIA: She's just somewhere,doing what she wants to do.


JOY: She's going in the swimming pool.

HAWK: What?Why?

AMBROSIA: Don't worry about her.

JOY: Ambrosia told her that you are there.

HAWK: You did what?

(They're conversation stopped when some students were running into the pool,Hawk stopped one of them.)

HAWK: What's happening?

BOY: A girl fell on the swimming pool.

(Hawk run fast as he can and the others followed him.)

Swimming Pool:

(Hawk saw Nikki lying on the ground next to Adonis who seems to saved her.)

ROSE: Pumpkin seeds,what happened?

ADONIS: She fell in the swimming pool.

JOY: Someone call a nurse,I'm going to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation her.

ROSE: You going to what?

JOY: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in short CPR.


(Joy starts doing the CPR and it worked Nikki is finally okay just coughing.)

NIKKI: I'm alive.

ASTORIA: Yeah,you are.

HAWK: You can't swim,why did swim there?

NIKKI: I just fall.

HAWK: I told you to be careful.

NIKKI: I am careful.

HAWK: Careful?Then why did you fall?

NIKKI: Ummmmm,I don't know.

HAWK: (sigh)

DIANA: She's okay now,don't worry.

NIKKI: Why are so many people in here?

LING-LING: Because someone fell in the pool.

NIKKI: Is it a big deal that I fall in the pool?

ALISSA: Yes,it is.

NIKKI: Um,who saved me?

ROSE: Adonis did.

NIKKI: Thank you very much.

(Nikki was taken to the clinic but she told the nurse that she was fine so she was dismissed immediately.)

Outside the clinic:

NIKKI: Hi,everyone.

HAWK: Are you okay now?

NIKKI: Of course,it's nothing. I once drowned.

ALYSHA: You've drowned before?

NIKKI: Yeah,in a lake so that was nothing to me.

ALYSHA: Oh,gosh.

HAWK: Ambrosia,if you didn't tell her that I was there she'll never drowned.

AMBROSIA: Look,I didn't mean that to happen.

Regal Academy(Earth Version) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now