18- Home Sweet Abandoned Building

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Let's take a moment to appreciate the people who had agreed to come on this quest with me. First there was Bash who would probably follow me directly down into his father's kingdom if that's what I asked of him. He was supportive even if it was in a sarcastic and non-chalant way. Then there was Ava who was the real leader of the quest. We'd never know what to do or where to go without her. Of course, Cloe needs to be mentioned since she was the heart of the group, her subtle glances and hopeful smiles are what inspired me to keep going. She was the vitality we wanted and had the restraint we needed. West was the healer, Louis the creator, Deedee the protector, and Sara... well she was there to keep Deedee from doing something crazy. Gwen is probably the most important, at least to me, she's the proof that things could get normal. She's the reason to keep going; to have a best friend.

As Louis drove us around the city, arguing with Ava about which direction to go and how to read the map, the rest of us sat in the back. Tired and dirty.

Gwen was fiddling with a tear in the knee of her jeggings.

"You can wear one of the extra pairs of pants I brought,' I offered.

I had smaller waistline then her due to my lack of curves, but the elastic on the pants was enough to fit a good sized bear so I think she'd be more than fine.

She smiled thankfully and nodded, "After this we should go shopping."

"I hate shopping," I said.

"Me too, but maybe it'll be more tolerable with you," she replied.

I felt a warm flicker of hope form in my chest, "Yeah maybe."

"So, next Saturday? I know some good thrift stores in New York near Olympus," she offered.

"That sounds perfect," I stated.

It felt odd to make plans for after saving the world. It was if we had so much confidence in ourselves that our defeat of Nyx was inevitable and we could make casual plans for the next week. We didn't even factor in the possibility of the world being plunged into eternal night, because whatever, it's just another normal activity for us.

We sat in silence for a little while and I noticed Bash staring intently at me from across the truck. He spoke, almost as if he felt like he needed to announce something and get it off his chest.

"So, Lea's a prime...bound to leave us all behind and join the immortal gods," he sated, almost sounding bitter. But he always sounded bitter so I couldn't tell.

"Why would I want to be immortal?" I asked.

"Normal people want immortality for the eternal life, but smart people want it for the invulnerability, heightened power and ability to be in more than one place at a time, as well as being able to send demi-gods like us to go do your dirty work," he explained.

I had to admit, it sounded like a pretty sweet deal.

Then I noticed the whole team staring at me, wide eyed as if they'd just heard that I'm secretly a cult leader.

"Lea...you're a Prime?" asked Cloe softly, as if she found it just as unbelievable as I did.

I nodded, "Yeah, the first daughter of Morpheus."

"That's so exciting!" exclaimed Sara.

"What are your powers?" asked Deedee.

"I can put things to sleep at will," I suggested with shrug.

"I bet you can do much more than that," said Gwen.

"Well, if I have more powers than I haven't found them yet," I replied.

Prime (Book 1 of the Godling Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now