I have not gone through extensive interview training. I wish I had now.

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I like this chapter a lot because of how the flashbacks are filtered in, even if it's shorted then I would have liked. Also, Wattpad statistics show most of my readers don't favourite. It's free and it'd help a lot :D. Same goes with comments, they give me happy chemicals.

 Onto the fic


"What do you do if anyone ever comes to our house claiming to be on official business?" Schlatt knelt down at his son's height. He stared him dead in the eyes, forcing him on the spot. Tubbo averted his gaze.

"I don't panic." He murmured.

Schlatt lifted his head with a sudden movement. They stared at each other again.

"Look at me this time you say it. Otherwise how do I know it went to your head."

"I don't panic. That'll let them know I'm up to something."

He nodded, "Good, good." and removed his grip on Tubbo's head. "Remember that, it might come in handy someday."

Tubbo had messed up this time. It had been the first thing he learnt.

Fuck fuck. Why had he shut the door on that hero? If that wasn't highly suspicious behavior he didn't know what was.

He needed to take deep breaths. In and out, in and out.

"They'll have men by the windows."

"We could open the door and apologize. It might not be bad. I might have forgotten the taxes again?"

Right. Apologize. The windows were out of question. The next thing was to try and play it off. No officer, Tubbo hadn't been at the warehouse his glitter bomb went off and could have created a large scale fire. (A failure on his part, not that anyone needed to know)

"Okay. Ranboo would you mind playing along for me?"

"I don't think I have a choice in this."

That was right. He didn't.

Tubbo pulled open the door again.

"Sorry about that. Your arrival was a bit of a shock. Do you have a warrant?"

The worst part in training to be a politician or supervillain. Whatever Schlatt was and Tubbo was going to be, a wrongen, was the interview practise. It was tedious and time better spent working on actually dominating the world.

Schlatt was insistent that he learnt how to lie without being caught.

"Try to avoid them coming to you in the first place. Ask them for a warrant, for someone to make sure you aren't signing anything stupid. If they refuse-"

"They can refuse?" Tubbo asked.

"If there suspicion is strong enough. They can't take legal action such as put you on trial without one in the long run."


The hero sighed.

"Yep. It was signed today. I'll hand it too you okay."

He held out his hand and Tubbo took it. Ranboo leant over his shoulder to see the warrant.

"I think that's valid." He whispered.

"Yep. Signed today by Philza. It's valid. We'll have to let him in."

He pulled the door open further.

"Okay. You'll have to excuse the mess. Our child was doing arts and crafts earlier today and we just settled down for the office."

"Aren't you two young to have a kid."

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