Chapter 3

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"I already handed in the assignments, so I can get some holidays you know," Y/N said, rolling her eyes as she was walking towards the building. Yawning, she looked around and found the streets awfully quiet. To be honest, she did live near a secluded area but it didn't look as deserted as it did now. There was something different in the atmosphere tonight. 

Concentrating on her group call, she heard the voices of her peers complaining about the group assignment. Well, they did think that they were going to get marks easily without putting any effort, so Y/N didn't feel the need to include their name in the group project too.

"I did give you the links of the sites! You could've included my name atleast-" one of them started defending themselves when she interrupted, "You call that work? You gave me the links on the first page of google without even reading through the articles, and you expect me to give your name in it?"

"I thought we were friends. You really showed your true face."

Y/N scoffed at the comment and said, "I thought friends help and support each other? When I asked to hand in your part of the project, all of you just read my texts and didn't reply. And by the way, I don't care if you're my friend, unless you have a good reason, you have to work on your part and I expect professionalism from you."

Before they could continue any further Y/N ended the call saying, "Complaining about me on a group call is of no use now. Next time choose a different group or do your part in the project. It's called a group project for a reason. You guys really think ganging up on me on a phone call will do you any good? I have this call on record, so think before you do anything assholes."

She cut off the call and walked in, waiting for the lift. As the door opened, a familiar face appeared.

"Hi Eunhyuk!" she greeted him, "Don't worry I won't follow you!" 

"Good to know."

"Atleast for a couple of days from now," she muttered.

"....going somewhere?" he asked, clearing his throat, "Uh..Eun wanted to know."

Y/N chuckled at his terrible attempt to hide his own curiosity and said, "Well good thing that she doesn't hate me I guess. Yes, I am...going home for a week."

He nodded his head and they awkwardly stared at each other. Y/N decided to break the silence and said, "See you later. Bye!"

She entered the lift and pushed the button of her floor. As the door started closing, she looked at him walking out of the building. A tiny blush covered her face and she grumbled to herself, feeling irritated at her heart which always skipped a beat whenever she came across that face, "Fuck, I have important things to focus on."

It was around eight in the evening

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It was around eight in the evening. Keeping her suitcase on the bed, Y/N checked the things she needed to take before she leaves for the get together. The train is supposed to arrive tomorrow at 11 A.M. Following the technique that her mother always used before trips, she checked the list of things and it appeared that she missed some of the items - pads and some medicines for emergency. She wasn't the kind to overthink things...maybe a little bit, but better safe than sorry, right? Going by the period tracker, she at least had a week left before she got her next period.

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