Chapter 20

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Y/N stood the farthest from where Jaehoon was buried. Her hands were covered with dried blood, eyes glossy. She couldn't forget the look in his eyes before he died. What if...he had the chance to survive? What if he turned like Hyunsu? It was still better than dying. The most dreaded question that kept replaying in her mind is that...what if she was the one to kill him? Maybe it was the guilt that drove her to help in moving the body. Or maybe she just needed to feel this pain, in order to get stronger. She wanted to protect Eunhyuk too. Kind of selfish on her side to make him her priority, but that was the truth. No matter how much she tried to convince herself and act 'nice', she knew if the time comes she'll choose Eunhyuk's life over others.

Hearing light footsteps behind her, she turned to look at the figure. It was Jisu, her face was pale and she looked exhausted. She watched the funeral for a few moments and left. Y/N didn't know if she should go after her. 

"Go," Eunhyuk said, standing beside her. Y/N looked up at him as people started leaving. 

"How am I supposed to face her? I..." she sniffled and held back her tears, "I took away the only chance she probably got to find love again. I know how it's all about survival but...making her live this way? By constantly getting reminded of the last words of every...partner?"

"She did it before, like you said. I'm sure she can do it again. But at this moment, she needs your support," Eunhyuk stroked her back and gave a light push.

"Yeah okay," Y/N said and took a deep breath. Although the first thing she needed to do is to clean the blood she was covered in. She went to get some medical supplies. Her back stung a bit. It has been a while since she changed the bandages covering her wound. All the dirt and work was not good for her injury. The last thing she wanted is to get it septic. Looking over the supplies, she found some disinfectant and bandages. Her eyes suddenly went towards a pink box. Maybe Eunhyuk informed Hyunsu about it, or maybe they just got a bunch of those all together while they were bringing medical supplies for Jisu. She couldn't remember but she needed to be sure. Taking two with herself, she went to the bathroom carrying a different shirt to change into along with her.

After a bath, she poured the disinfectant on her back, and changed her bandages. Following the proper instructions, she waited for the lines to appear on the stick.

Well...luck wasn't on her side. Looking at both the sticks, she stared at the glaring two lines in each of the stick. "Fuck," Y/N sighed and slid down on the floor, breathing heavily. She was sure Eunhyuk would support her in abortion. He knew the risks as well. Okay, she just...needed the pills right? But firstly, she needed to see Jisu.

As she stepped out of the bathroom, she heard a loud crash along with some screams. Y/N ran towards the commotion and gasped at the scene before her. An armored truck crashed through the gate and the men who came in it were all holding weapons. One of them who had a scar on his face, was stabbing the runaway soldier. Y/N's heart started beating faster. She felt the same when they first encountered the tongue monster - too scared to even scream out of fright. 

The man with the scar, Shin Jungseop, probably the leader of the group of men said, "Find everyone's that hiding."


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