chapter 5

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"wake up," Bucky whispers into Alya's ear causing her to jump awake and punch him in the nose. She cups her face when she realises what she just did.

"Omg Bucky I am so sorry!" She shouts seeing if he is ok. He is holding his nose, and then she sees it. "Omg I think I broke your nose, it is bleeding...... a lot," She says running to grab tissues. When she returns Bucky is sitting on his bed with his head back and is holding his nose trying to stop the bleeding.

"oh thank you," He says taking the tissues from her. Once all the blood is cleared they walk downstairs to see everyone else. Bucky looks down embarrassed that she had broken his nose. They walk into the kitchen and she runs to the coffee machine.

"My love! coffee!" Alya shouts having a sip of her fresh coffee. Everyone laughs at her only to see Bucky and laugh more.

"What happened!?" Steve says through the laughter that he is failing to hide.

"Alya punched me," Bucky replies bluntly making everyone burst out laughing not being able to keep it together anymore. Alya almost chokes on her coffee due to laughter and Bucky stands there in the middle of the room being laughed at.

"Here let me fix it," Alya says placing her hand on his nose. She closes her eyes and green mist forms around her hands and her veins glow bright green. Everyone stands in shock as the broken nose starts to heal and is projected onto her, but she heals almost instantly. 

"Woah..." Steve says after the performance.

"Don't get blood on anything!" Tony shouts and Alya as she realises her nose is still bleeding.

"Huh strange," Alya says realising she should be healed. All of a sudden it heals. After hanging out with all the Avengers, Alya goes back up to her room to relax and have a break. She is still massively exhausted from all the things happening so quickly. Alya slouches onto the couch and brushes her hands through her dark long hair. At that moment Steve walks in on a quest to find her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Steve asks making his way to sit down beside her.

"Oh hey, I'm good, really tired though, how about you?" Alya mutters moving to face Steve.

"Fine thanks, Wanda told me to ask you if you wanted to go to town with her, to get some stuff for you later," 

"Yeah, sure thanks" Alya says 

"I was wondering if you can tell me about what happened in the red room to you and Bucky? like why do you hate each other? if you don't mind,"

"It's fine, um well I grew up in the red room with Natasha we got trained and a bunch of other stuff happened. Me, Nat and Bucky were inseparable. We would comfort each other when we were down, but one day they informed me they were together. That's when everything went downhill. Before me and Bucky were super close, I called him Mr metal arm," Alya says laughing at the memory. " But ever since they got together all they would do was comfort each other, I had no one by my side. I went through everything alone. It was like I didn't exist to them like I was some sort of ghost that they couldn't see or hear. I had a huge go at them, I shouted and they got all defensive denying everything they did. I hated Bucky the most for abandoning our friendship, I was mad at Natasha but we got closer after a while, but then I was alone again when I was brainwashed, and they left me all over again," Alya cries, feeling tears run down her face leaving a trail. Steve takes Alya's hand to comfort her.

"Well, you aren't alone anymore," 

"But when I ran away from the Red Room, I became alone once again, in my old small apartment in New Mexico," Alya mutters through her tears. The feeling of being alone still haunts her. At that moment Bucky walks in startling them both.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise you were in here, oh Alya are you ok-" Bucky starts running to her side, Alya instantly stands up and says.

"I'm fine, now Steve training?"  Steve nods and gets up. Bucky has a look of confusion on his face as he watches them both leave the room. He notices a grey notebook under the blanket and reaches out for it. He then stops himself at the thought of it being personal and gets up to have a shower. Alya and Steve start their run after talking to Wanda about town. 

"Look, I am sorry about everything that has happened to you, Bucky has changed give him a chance," 

"Yeah I guess, so any special ladies in your life?" Alya asks raising her eyebrows up and down, trying to change the subject.

"Um....well...I don't know, you and Natasha are so alike, you keep saying stuff she uses to say to me," Steve says rubbing his head. Alya looks at the floor and carries on running. After an hour of training and a shower, Alya and Wanda walk into town. Alya keeps her hood up, scared of being noticed. It is still a fear that sits at the back of her head constantly.

"Alya it's fine I am here," Wanda says pulling her hood down. Alya looks around scared and hesitantly but only to see nobody cares. She settles down and feels more confident and they go from shop to shop picking up clothes, makeup and random stuff anyone normally has.

"Omg get this!" Wanda squeals as she picks up a necklace with a pendant of a golden butterfly.

"Oh I love it, I love butterflies," Alya exclaims taking the butterfly necklace from Wanda. "Maybe not, did you even look at the price?" Alya chuckles putting the necklace back where they found it. 

"Lunch?" Wanda asks and Alya happily nods. They both go to a sweet little cafe not far from their favourite clothes shops. 

"After we are defiantly going in there," Wanda says pointing to a massive shop, making Alya chuckle. After they eat their food and have drinks they start to carry on going around. 

"That one!" Alya says point at a dress.

"That would suit you so much!" Wanda squeals. They carry on wandering around trying on tops trousers makeup and accessories. After hours they head back and go straight to Wanda's room to see everything they got.

" Ok, so we got for me, 4 crop tops, 2 t-shirts, 3 pairs of trousers, a new pair of leggings, 2 pairs of shorts, a pair of sunglasses, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, 2 dresses, new backpack, shower stuff and a new note pad, seems like everything, mean like I did leave everything back in New Mexico," Alya laughs.

"Yeah, I think we got everything, also whens your birthday?" Wanda asks folding up some clothes.

"1 month time May 17th," Alya responds.

"Oo we should go away for your birthday," Wanda suggest making Alya nod in agreement.


A month goes by and it is a week till Alyas birthday. Over the month Bucky and Alya have grown closer in every way. Alya finally realised that he has changed and they formed a close friendship, that seems like something more. She wakes up and instantly checks her phone. She realises shortly after that Bucky has already left the room. She gets up to find a note saying, once your awake come to the kitchen. She shrugs and puts on some better clothes and makes her way down to the kitchen. Once she arrives and notices there is no one there, she starts to make a coffee and puts a pop tart into the toaster.

"Boo!" Bucky whispers into her ear, causing her to turn around and put him into a headlock.

"Buck! don't scare me! last time I broke your nose," Alya says out of relief it is just him. "  Why do you need me here?" Alya asks taking her coffee.

"For this," Bucky says handing her tickets to Los Vegas. 

"Omg Bucky! thank you but why are you giving me these?" She asks giving him a massive hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"For your birthday we leave in 2 days, start packing, oh and the others are coming, only, Wanda, Tony, Clint and steve though," Bucky says smiling.

"Thank you Bucky," She says feeling his cold metal arm around her, she likes the cold though, she always has.

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