chapter 17 - Final

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The next day everyone wakes up on a surprisingly sunny day, tiredly walking downstairs for their daily coffee. Alya slouches over on the counter grabbing her coffee.

"Busy night?" Tony asks walking into the room seeing Alya and Bucky especially tired.

"Oh shut up," Bucky complains. As they all settle down enjoying their food, Steve walks into the room in gear saying.

"Gear up," He snaps making everyone groan and walk away to gear up. Once everyone has tiredly got their gear on they all make their way towards the jet. The warm sun makes everyone sweat in their large heavy gear. Everyone boards the plane and it takes off towards the destination.

"Undercover mission, here are the files," Steve says throwing files onto the table for Bucky and Alya.

"A singer?" Alya questions.

"A bodyguard?" Bucky asks, rubbing his head in confusion.

"Yes, Alya you will go undercover as the famous singer Andrea Valentine, you will perform her songs in front of the crowd whilst Bucky will be your Bodyguard," Steve sternly says as everyone nods. "We are looking for this man, as you all know the reaper,"  Steve says making Alya's head fly upwards.

"No no no  no, I only got Bucky back nothing can happen again Steve!" Alya shouts standing up whilst Bucky grabs her wrist. 

"Nothing will happen, Alya, I promise you nothing will happen," Steve says reassuringly as she sits back down, gripping Buckys hand.

"Everyone keep an eye out, he is apparently meeting up with Dr. Viotto, they are doing a deal. We need to prevent it and take them down, they will have spies and agents in the crowd so be careful," Steve says as everyone rushes off to plan and prepare. 

"wait hold up why am I the singer?" Alya curiously asks.

"When you sang on your birthday, you sang amazing, you are the only one who can pull this off," 

This is it. Alya is dressed up in an outfit about to go on stage in front of a crowd. Bucky stands next to her gripping her hand, ever so slightly tightening his grip when she is announced to come onto the stage.

"be careful, I will see you after, Bucky, I love you, "Alya mutters giving him a passionate kiss before letting go of his grip and wandering onto the stage before he gets the chance to say it back. The crowd cheers as Alya waves out making them cheer louder, She scans the crowd noticing Steve and Wanda out back in casual outfits. She grabs the microphone and prepares to start singing. The music starts to play and she starts to sing. The crowd joins in as she starts to get the hang of it. 

It is now her 3rd song in, gladly she knows all of the songs. At that moment Bucky goes into the earpiece.

"Hey movement 3 o'clock," He says making Alya's eyes dart into that direction instantly looking eyes on him. The man locks eye contact with Alya for a few seconds and instantly realizes her staring. The reaper then turns and looks at bucky who is also staring at him. He begins to sprint towards the exit frantically looking for an exit. Steve stands At the exit, preventing the reaper to escape. He runs throw the crowd as Bucky chases him. 

"Sorry everyone," Alya mutters into the microphone before she dashes off the stage in need to find everyone. She desperately looks around the crowded area, eventually laying her eyes on the action. Alya starts to run, taking off her heels in the process. She is just behind Bucky as they both run down the back of the stage after him. The reaper takes a sharp turn and Alya and Bucky stop in their tracks when they realize he is gone. Bucky turns around knowing he will be there like the last time they fought. He punches him in the gut making him groan in pain. Alya then turns around sharply kicking the reaper in the leg sending him tumbling down. 

"That was easy," Alya jokes. The reaper then stands back up making Alya frown. They started fighting back and forth throwing punches and knock the reaper over, they are clearly winning. At the moment then turn away the reaper legs it sprinting towards the exit. When Wanda gets in his path he makes a sharp turn instantly heading to the crowd. Bucky and Alya follow, just on his trial. They all sprint throw the crowd, brushing people as they pass them. Eventually, they make it to a dead-end out of the crowd and around the back. They corner him as they all try and catch their breath.

"Give up, your alone," Bucky says confidently.

"Am I?" He smirks. Alya instantly turns around kicking down a man behind who was holding a gun at them. 

"That was too close Bucky," Alya says looking down at the man.  That's when she hears it. A gunshot. She snaps her head around to see the reaper on the floor, holding a gun with no more bullets inside. She blinks rapidly trying to figure out what happened in the milliseconds. Thud. She turns her head, laying her green eyes on Bucky, who is on the ground gripping his chest in agony. He starts to have shallow breathes as he panicky looks around at Alya. 

"No no no no no Bucky, please no!" She shouts kneeling down beside his weak body failing to stay alive. She points her gun at the reaper and pulls the trigger hearing a thud. Tears start to stream uncontrollably out of her eyes, dropping onto the floor. She grips his hand in hers, leaning her head on his dying body.

"Alya, don't do i-it, I love you, and I will look over you forever, my strong brave pop tart o-obsessed girl," Bucky coughs weakly running out of time. Alya lays there in shock not wanting to let him go, knowing what she has to do.

"Bucky, please," She sobs into his chest as his body goes limp. She screams in misery as she feels her heart start to pound. Alya looks down at his closed eyes, limp face, and places her hands over the wound. She looks up to the beautiful, crystal blue sky that reminds her of his eyes and green mist starts to appear. Her veins glow bright green as a single teardrop roll down her face as she looks with tears with her eyes at him. 

"Alya No!" Wanda shouts in the distance faintly. Alya looks over briefly mouthing 'I love you to her and then proceeding to glow green. 

"Return to me," She mutters. She closes her eyes as blood starts to drip through her catsuit. Buckys wound closes up and his eyes shoot open as he takes in a deep breath of the cold bitter air. He regains his sight and sees Alya's beautiful green eyes, then her wound. She collapses to the floor Bucky catching her head on the way. 

"No no no, I told you not to Alya!" Bucky says tears flowing. He brushes her stray strands of hair out of her face as she struggles to breathe.

"Bucky I love you, please look after everyone for me, especially Wanda, h-have my notebook, read it. Tell everyone I-I'm sorry," She sobs clenching her heart. " You know I can't heal this, Bucky I love you...Life is too beautiful not to be lived, go live yours, I will always be with yo...," Alya gently says cupping Buckys face, before going limp, the last breath leaving her body. Bucky holds her lifeless body tears rolling down his cheeks, he feels as her body starts to go cold. Wanda rushes over crying whilst breathing heavily.

"NO!" Wanda screams. Everyone dashes over. Not believing what has just happened. Bucky then pulls Alya's hand to his face a kisses it gently, before letting go.


well, that is the final chapter might do one more of her funeral and what happened with everyone afterward. Hope you enjoyed leave suggestions in comments thank you :)

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