Day 41-43. Friday (Part Three) and Sunday Waxing Crescent

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Day 41. Friday Waxing Crescent (Part Three)

As Hunter was sent sailing out the window from the second story of the Joyner building, he did not feel any fear. The cold autumn wind blew right through him as countless glass shards pierced his skin, and the smell of the forest seemed to overpower everything as he plummeted towards the trees. He could hear Grayson yelling his name, or something similar at least as Serena's enlarged form let out a guttural howl.

Even with the possibility of his death drawing near, Hunter was not afraid. Instead, there was a growing, pulsing surge of rage. What had he been doing all this time? Running around campus, looking for the culprit, dragging the others into the line of fire? All that time he could have spent studying, or hanging out with Grayson, or making friends with his classmates.

All that time, gone. And for what?

Hunter could feel his temperature rising. Branches and pine needles beat him on the way to the ground but the pain was dulled by anger. What did he do to deserve this?

They tumbled down the sloped ground, further into the forest. Hunter heard his knee brace pop and clang as it bounced away, possibly lost forever. He was beyond pissed now.

A familiar sensation began to travel up his spine, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. It was coming. There was another loud howl, and this time, Hunter knew it was coming from within.

Day 43, Sunday Waxing Crescent

Hunter awoke to the familiar sounds of beeping hospital equipment and bright lights. His breath came out in long raspy gasps, and it felt as if he had been screaming. A heavy blanket was draped over the stretched white hospital streets that swaddled him, but his bandaged right arm was exposed to the cold, as an IV was attached to the back of his hand and on his wrist, there was a handcuff, linking him to the bed. Hunter squinted at the odd combination.

Why was he handcuffed? And why was everything sore?

"There you are." A deep voice said.

Hunter would have jumped if his body wasn't so tired. Sitting by the left side of his cot was Professor Garou, looking as tired as he felt.

"Mishter Garrou?" His jaw felt odd. "Whhat Hhhhappened?"

Something in Garou's gaze shifted. Hunter wasn't sure if it was a sign of amusement or loathing. Considering their interactions in the past, he wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

I got back to the campus and then...

That scent. Blood. Teeth.

"Wherrre are they?" Hunter tried to sit up. "Where ish she?"

"Miss Song is also recovering. Mr. Lee is with her."

Hunter's eyes widened. "B-But sh-she's--"

"They are under surveillance." Garou clarified. "Neither she or you is to be left alone for the time being, given your...circumstances."

Hunter's eyes went to the handcuff again. "Andsh. Thhosh would be?"

"Your pending charges. Assault. Endangerment of local Lycanthrope population. Involving a non-Lycanthrope without clearance or screening for Lycanthrope-Gen human relations. Destruction of property..."

"Shhhe tried to kill me!" Hunter exclaimed, suppressing a growl.

"And yet, she's the one with three broken ribs."

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