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So i haven't updated in a minute uhh

The news i bring to you today is that i will no longer be updating this story. I'll leave this fic and my other one up because people seem to enjoy it, but I won't be coming back to it. (or at least the chances are very very slim)

I'm sorry if you cared about this story and wanted to see what happens, but I've lost motivation to finish it and I'm just generally not a big fan of bts anymore :(
(not in a negative way i just have other things that need attention)

Thank you so much for all your support the past year or so! I really enjoyed my time writing these and honestly I'm a little disappointed because I had so much planned out but oh well.

Comment or PM if you have any questions or anything to say! Stay healthy and thank you again <3

The New Year's Kiss \\ pjm x kthWhere stories live. Discover now