Part 5 - Small Talk

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(R) This chapter contains verbal abuse & slight nsfw
If any of these topics triggers you or make you uncomfortable, please skip this chapter.


They all poured out of the building, bidding goodbye to the staff and owner. They were slightly drunk but still functional. Enough to feel a little buzz and talk a little louder than normal, but not enough they would be stumbling through the streets.

"Come again soon, boys!" The owner shouted from behind the counter.

"You know we will!" Jungkook laughed right before the doors closed. Once they were all outside and the cold air hit them in the face, they groaned in unison.

Namjoon took out his phone to finally check who had been texting him throughout the last part of dinner.

"You coming, guys?" The rest of the group asked Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin, who seemed to linger behind.

"Yeah, we're right behind you..." Namjoon replied, eyes glued to his phone. The other four men started walking back towards the underground station. Hoseok had turned red and fallen silent, as he tended to do when he was drunk. Taehyung let out a short laugh in the form of a single breath, a white fog escaping his lips.

Taehyung noticed Namjoon open a text conversation on his phone. It appeared to be a group chat, and it looked like there were many new messages. His eyes darted across the screen as he scrolled through the messages. One he realized what the texts read, he immediately met them with a look of dread.

"Ah, shit. I totally forgot I had to meet up with my group for the history project." He grabbed his head for a moment, debating whether to go or not. He wasn't in the best state of mind, but he could still work, he told himself. Namjoon wasn't the type to abandon his team for the sole reason that there was a chance he couldn't do as well as he wished. "I gotta go, you two are fine on your own right?"

Jimin and Taehyung both glanced back to see that the other four had been long gone. They both immediately realized there was no way they could catch up with them in time.

Taehyung hadn't left on his own with the others because he assumed he and Namjoon would be returning together, seeing as how they were roommates and all. Jimin wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to do. Naturally, he gravitated towards the friend he felt the most comfortable around, but then realized that meant that he would also be stuck with the one he felt the most uncomfortable around.

Jimin's attention flashed completely to Taehyung, waiting for him to answer Namjoon's question. He knew it was unlikely, but he hoped he would say no.

"Uh-...yeah, yeah. We're fine, don't worry." Taehyung awkwardly spat, trying to ignore Jimin rolling his eyes after he said that.

"Cool, see you later!" He said as he jogged off in the direction of the library.

"Right, we have that project we have to work on, don't we?" Taehyung laughed, knowing the assignment had completely slipped both his and Jimin's mind.

Jimin shoved his cold hands in his pockets and started walking, clearly frustrated at the fact that they were alone with each other. He sighed, the same white fog escaping his lips as he did. His jacket was a lot thicker than Taehyung's was, yet he still seemed a lot colder than Taehyung did.

As Taehyung jogged up the short distance to walk with him, he mentally prepared himself for...whatever was going to happen. He had only really known Jimin for a few hours but he already knew that nothing could ever be easy with him. In order to be polite, however, he did try to talk to him.

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