Part 1 - The New Year

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Taehyung pushed his way through the crowd, desperate to find his friends before the countdown started. He didn't know what time it was exactly, but he did know that there was only a few minutes left before the start of the new year. He put his phone to his ear once again and listened for ringing, followed by the inevitable dial tone and first two words of a voicemail greeting. He let out yet another frustrated groan as he pressed the button to end the call, sighing and looking down at his screen.

Recent calls:
Namjoon (6)
Yoongi (4)
Jungkook (3)
Hoseok (4)
Seokjin (2)
Yerin (8)

Someone might think he's called them all excessively, but considering he lost track of them all a few hours ago and he was alone at the party, he hadn't really called them that much.

As upset that he was that every single one of his friends wasn't answering him, the one that surprised him most was Yerin, his girlfriend. She had been talking for the past month about how excited she was to go to Seoul for a big New Years party and have a classic New Year's kiss, not like Taehyung cared, but he pretended he did. However, he wasn't that great an actor and it was clear that Yerin knew he wasn't very interested. He didn't expect her to completely ditch him at the party, though.

He turned a corner, seeing the very girlfriend he was looking for, pressed up against a wall in an alley, grinding against some guy that Taehyung had never seen before, and who he assumed Yerin had never met before either. He was surprised, but only for a moment. He didn't care very much, at least now he had one less person to look for. And honestly, if anyone would ditch their boyfriend in a crowd on New Year's Eve and end up grinding on a stranger in an alley, it was Taehyung's girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend.

He let out a (somewhat relieved) sigh and continued rushing through the crowd to find his friends, who he would have rather spend New Year's with anyway. The noise of the music and people in the crowd blocked out the sound Taehyung was making walking through, stepping on confetti and streamers and empty cups. However, the noise and pure drunk arrogance of the people in the crowd only made Taehyung grow more frustrated.


On the other side of the crowd, stood Jimin, face wet with tears and body full of alcohol since he had just been brutally dumped by his boyfriend less than an hour earlier.

"Sure, just fucking leave me on New Year's Eve." He angrily mumbled to himself between sniffles as he shoved his way through the crowd "You drove me here, dumbass, but of course you wouldn't have the fucking human decency to drive me back home, would you?" His words were slurred, but it's not like he noticed, or even cared.

He pushed the heavy door open to let himself outside, immediately getting slammed in the face with the sharp outdoor air. A shiver overtook him, so he brought his arms up to hug himself as an effort to stay warm. He was cold, but definitely not as cold as he should've been. The amount of alcohol in his system was surely more than enough to give him some sense of warmth, along with the combined body heat of the crowd he continued to shove his way through.

Someone then bent over a little suddenly to pick up something they dropped, knocking Jimin to the side. He clumsily stumbled over, running head first into someone's chest. The person he ran into had also seemed to be in a rush, walking in his opposite direction.
The first thing Jimin noticed was that this stranger smelled good. Sort of like a fresh, breezy mix of vanilla and pine needles.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Ugh!" Jimin angrily grunted, pushing himself off of the stranger who clearly had a much larger frame than he did "Get out of my way I'm trying to-" He was cut off by the crowd around him starting to countdown.

"Twenty! Nineteen! Eighteen!"

"Great! Just great!" Jimin chimed sarcastically, wiping his tears from his face. He looked up at the man he bumped into, seeing Taehyung. He was startled by the attractiveness of the stranger in front of him.

"Are...are you alright?" Taehyung asked, noticing his puffy eyes and blushed face. The stranger in front of him hugged himself and rubbed his arms, trying to create friction to warm his exposed arms. Something about this smaller man just made Taehyung's mind scream 'protect' repeatedly. He had to shove down the urge to pull this complete stranger into a warm hug.

"Fourteen! Thirteen! Twelve!"

"I'm fine!" Jimin retaliated. He looked over the features of the man in front of him. Good bone structure, black wavy hair which was just a little longer than normal and fluffy beyond control, big kissable lips.

"Nine! Eight! Seven!"

Taehyung took once final glance around the crowd to see if he could see any of his friends, while Jimin just stared at him. Jimin's vision started to sway, it was clear to him he wasn't going to remember anything in the morning, or at least not in good detail.

"Five! Four!"

He looked around and saw many couples looking at each other, holding each other close, getting ready for their special New Year's kiss. Jimin thought he was going to get that tonight with his boyfriend, and Taehyung with his girlfriend, and yet here they both were. Cold, one of them very drunk, lost in a crowd, and alone as they got closer and closer by the second to a brand new year.

"Three! Two!"

Taehyung sighed in defeat that he wouldn't get to spend the New Year's with his friends.

"One! Happy New Year's!!"

They both watched as couples all around them kissed, smiling against each other's lips.

"Ugh! Fuck it!" Jimin groaned as he grabbed Taehyung's face, crashing his lips onto his.

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