I can't take it anymore...

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A/N: (!!TW!! PLEASE READ!!) Hey besties I just want to say this chapter does have a lot of $u1cid3 mentions so please, please of that triggers you don't read this chapter. I wouldn't say it was necessary to read this chapter because It just explains how Aesop is coping, so that said, don't feel like you have to read it if the subject triggers you <3


Aesop's POV:

(A few months later)

I woke up breathing heavy and tears streaming down my face, like usual. These past few months I keep having the same sort of nightmares and they have completely messed up my sleep schedule. Luckily matches still aren't on, otherwise I think I would pass out from exhaustion...  

Eli isn't in critical care anymore either, but because he hasn't fully recovered matches won't start for another few weeks. Most of the survivors have returned to their normal selves around me too, well, besides Eli, Norton and Martha. I understand why though, I'm a terrible person and they have every right...

Helena and Fiona have been keeping me company when they aren't training and they take my mind away from Joseph for a few hours... besides that the rest of the day all I ever do is lock myself in my room and cry... I'm pathetic I know...

I keep trying to tell myself things will be okay and to move on but I just cant... I'm slowly but surely going insane... I've been writing a letter to Joseph everyday but I never get a reply, not even a warning from the host, telling me to stop trying to contact Joseph...

"Hey Sop!" Someone called knocking on my door. "You awake?"

"Yeah..." I called back, sitting up in my bed and putting my mask on

"Morning." Demi walked in with a plate of food and set it down on my table. "Emily told me to bring this up."

"ah thanks..." I waved at demi as she went to leave

"Chin up yeah!" Demi waved back as she closed behind her. "No one likes seeing you sad!"

"yeah..." I mumbled to myself and got ready into my usual attire, before making my bed.

I don't feel hungry... Picking up the plate, I threw the food down the toilet and flushed it away so no one would know I hadn't eaten it. 

"Morninggg!" Emma burst through the door "Emily said you had no training today so I thought I'd ask you to help me in the garden?"

"oh...uh...sure why not..." Maybe it would take my mind off things...

"Great!" Emma jumped over to me and linked our arms, before dragging me out the room and skipping downstairs.

"woah slow down..." I muttered under my breath as Emma pulled me along behind her.

"C'mon we've got a lot to do!"


Time skip brought to you by Emma and her scarecrow <3

(They both have been working in the garden for a few hours.)


"Hey guys." Emily smiled at us, holding a tray of drinks and biscuits, in the garden doorway. "Thought you could use some refreshments." 

"Ah! thanks so much Emily!" Emma jumped up from the flower bed and ran over to Emily.

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