Chapter 1 - The Ship and the Shah

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Rosetta's POV:

I looked over the vast expanse of the sea and closed my eyes and the breeze struck me. The salty scent teased my nose and I took a deep breath of it. 

My father and I were traveling to Persia and I couldn't wait. Even though I was happy I was going I knew the real reason was that there was no one to take care of me while Father was gone. Father was very strict on protocol and what a young lady could do and not do. Well, staying alone in a house with just the servants was totally against his principals.

So here, I was on my way to Persia. I knew Father's secret mission was to catch me a husband. I had turned down all the previous suitors he had presented me with. I had no idea who he would throw at me but I was ready. I didn't want to marry. What I wanted was to get out from under his thump. I was tired of being his perfect daughter. I wanted to be free but I couldn't be.

I looked into the water and saw dolphins splashing around the ship. I wanted to be like them. Free as the birds or the fish or anything that was freer than me. Suddenly a man stepped beside me. I looked up and smiled. It was my father.

"Good morning, Father. How are you this fine morning?" That was my greeting. My father, though a loving man in his own right wasn't the type that liked people to be too familiar with him. Even, I, his own daughter, wasn't allowed that much freedom. The only person who ever had the courage was Mother. That woman was bold from what I remembered of her. She had to be to survive my father.

My father looked at me with his cool gray eyes and his hardened face barely cracked a smile.

"I am well, Daughter. And you are well, I hope?" I nodded but took care not to smile. Father didn't like shows of excitement. He faced the sea and said in his monotone,

"Daughter, I have a friend in Persia who I wish you to me. He might make a suitable husband for you." I gritted my teeth and said,

"Father, I have no wish to marry anyone. Let me remain a spinster all my days and I shall be happy." He looked at me with fire in his eyes. His face never changed from the steady form but his eyes told everything.

"Daughter, you will marry if I must drag you to the alter myself." I dared to glare at him.

"Father, I am but sixteen. You have been having suitors at my door since I was fourteen. Why this rush for me to marry?" His eyes narrowed and he said,

"You are my only child. I had no son. You must have a match by eighteen." For once he showed som emotion other through another medium then his eyes. He slammed his fist down on railing. "You will marry. That is the end of the matter." I was the only one who could drag such a show of emotion from him. No one else could. He swept a short lock of his thinning gray hair from his face and stalked off for our cabin. 

I took a deep breath and returned to my staring at the sea. At least it was beautiful in is boisterousness. I took a deep breath and watched the horizon, hoping to soon see Persia.

The Next Day:

I once more stood at the railing. I stayed there very often. But now, there was something interesting to watch. We had reached Persia in the night and were waiting for Father to ready himself for disembarkation. We were to go straight to the Shah's palace where we would be housed in as fine apartments as one could wish to see. Father had much trading to do with the Shah and I was simply there. I hated not being of use. 

I heard a slight commotion and saw my father with our things. He gestured for me to follow him and I did so. We were leaving the horrible ship which had only given me a taste of freedom. A beautiful taste of what it was like to be free.

As we walked down the plank, I heard the cries of the gulls and almost wished I was one. But I drove the thought away and boarded the carriage which the Shah had sent for us. Our luggage was put in another carriage and we were driven to the Shah's palace.

I had heard he was having another one build and when I saw the one we were being taken to I didn't understand why. Not even the Queen's castle was as beautiful. In all of my native England I hadn't seen such a place. 

We alighted from the carriage and we guided by my father's request to the Shah's presence immediately. Father would do nothing until he had spoken with the Shah personally. I was very tired but didn't bother to mention it. I would only get the cold glare that I hated to see from my father.

We were ushered in and I took in the great sights of the throne room. Gold and ivory were prominent as well as plants of all kinds. There was an airy feeling and it was beautiful. Nothing like the cold dank castles I knew in England.  Father was greeted warmly by the Shah and they instantly began to talk of many things. Trading things which I didn't bother to understand. Servant girls watched me in awe. I guessed they hadn't seen a girl like me before.

I brushed a wrinkle from my pastel green dress and tugged back a lock of my dark gold hair. My feet ached from standing but at last they seemed to have recognized that it was time to retire. A servant was commissioned to lead us to our rooms.

As we walked along the halls I took in the great beauty of the place. I would have loved to live here but I would gladly return to England if remaining meant marriage. I shivered at the thought and trailed behind Father and the servant. Then something caught my eye. 

A man was standing in a little nook of the hall. He was tall, very tall. Even my five feet seven inches wasn't anything compared to him. He was also very thin. I would dare to guess gaunt. A pair of golden eyes flashed out at me and for one moment I was slightly surprised. But then I wasn't. All of his face was masked except for his mouth and chin. They were both quite pale and the skin slightly opaque. I smiled at him and followed my father.

I looked at the servant and saw that he was shaking. He had noticed the strange man. When we arrived at our rooms, I took the servant aside and asked quietly,

"Who was that man?" The servant shook in his boots as he hissed/whispered out,

"That was the Angel of Doom. He is a court assassin and builder. He will do anything the Shah wishes without thinking if it is wrong. He is the devil in human's form. One look in his eyes and one word from him and you are under his spell. Stay away from him at all costs, my lady."

I smiled at the servant and thanked him for his information. He walked away, leaving me with one thought on my mind. How was I supposed to find this Angel of Doom? And what will happen when I do?

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