Chapter 35 - Storm

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Rosetta’s POV:

I leaned against the railing and took a deep breath of the sea air. It was beautiful. We had been on the ship for nearly a week and a half and were supposed to arriving in Italy by tomorrow. I was excited about going to our new home and even more about the baby that was in my stomach.

Erik had completely accepted the idea and pampered me. He refused to let me do anything even though I was still perfectly capable. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath of the air. Suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around my shoulder and Erik whispered,

“Rose, you shouldn’t be out here. Come back to the cabin.” I shook my head and turned to look at him.

“No, Erik, I am sorry, I can’t do that. I don’t want to be in the cabin.” I leaned against his chest and whispered, “I want to stay out here and get some fresh air.” Erik chuckled and turned me around so my back was to his chest. He wrapped his hands around my belly and took a deep breath of the air as well.

“Very well, but when you want to go back, let me know.” I nodded and yawned a little. With Erik’s warm chest to my back and the cool wind to my face, I was perfectly happy. Never been happier.

“Erik, what do you want to name our child?” He kissed my cheek and said,

“Oh, I don’t know. Have any ideas?” I sighed and whispered,

“I want to name it Reza if it is a boy. Reza was so dear to me. I loved him so.” Erik nodded and held me closer.

“He was dear to me as well. Alright, I like it. Now, for a girl I think Rosetta is very pretty.” I shook my head.

“No, silly, I can’t name my child after me. No, we would have a time keeping us separate.” Erik chuckled and kissed me again.

“Well, do you have any other names?” I thought for a moment and then whispered,

“Emerald for a girl. I love the name and the color.” Erik ran his hands through my long hair and I sighed in contentment.

“I like it. Reza and Emerald. I like it very much. I hope I shall make a good father?” I turned to look at him. Of course, he would be a good father. He was the best husband so a father shouldn’t be too difficult.

“Erik, you will be fine. I love you.” He smiled and leaned down to kiss me but before he did that he whispered,

“I love you.” Then connected our lips. It wasn’t long before I was breathless and clinging to his jacket for dear life. I giggled when we parted and, placing our foreheads together, said,

“If you are as good a father as you are a kisser then I have no doubt that our child will be in able hands.” By accident, I shivered. The wind was cool and I felt goosebumps on my arms. Erik scowled and we walked back to the cabin. I knew better than to argue. He wouldn’t have anything to do with argument.

I settled down on a bunk in the cabin and said,

“Erik, I think I will lay down for a while. I am really tired.” Erik nodded and I fell asleep.

Erik’s POV:

I watched my lovely wife sleep and wondered what I had ever done to get her. She was so beautiful and I was so ugly. But she claimed to love this gargoyle and I would believe her. She even carried my child. Mine. I would never let them go. Never. I loved my little Emerald or Reza.

I stood up and looked out the little window in the cabin. The clouds were dark ahead of us and I sensed that a storm was brewing. I had found the sturdiest ship I could and I had full confidence that it would get through any storm.

I smiled and settled in beside Rose. I pulled her closer to me. She snuggled against me and drifted back off into a deep sleep.

I don’t know when I woke next but it was pitch black outside and I heard thunder. I sat up and let Rose sleep. There was no reason to wake her. I looked out the window and didn’t like the looks of the sky and the raging waters.

The boat heaved up and down with each wave and I felt danger in the air. Suddenly, there was a knock on the cabin door. I walked over and opened it. The first mate was standing there and he said,

“Mr. Destler, get you wife and all your things. We are leaving the ship immediately. It is sinking.” I kept my face even but I was panicking inside.

“I shall. It won’t take but a moment.” I grabbed our two bags and shook Rose awake. I forced myself to stay calm when I really wasn’t sure what to do. She opened her eyes and said,

“Erik, what is wrong?” I pulled her to her feet and said,

“The ship is going down. We have to get into one of the life boats. We will be fine, my love. Don’t worry.” I held her close as we ran to the surface to join the other passengers.

It took quite to load us all into the life boats and by the time Rose and I went on, the ship was almost underwater. It was sinking faster than anyone had thought.

We got onto the life boat and settle down. I held Rosetta close to me and whispered,

“We will be fine. Don’t worry. We will be fine.” It was more to comfort me than her. I was afraid. What if something happened? What if I lost Rosetta somehow? What would I ever do without her?

The skipper and the other passengers eyed me suspiciously but I simply glared at them. I didn’t want to talk. No, I need to think.

The lifeboat was very tiny. The waves were huge and I felt danger with everyone that broke around us. Suddenly a massive wave hit the boat sideways. It hit my side and threw that side up. The other passengers managed to hold on but Rosetta landed in the water.

I grabbed her as I started to panic. My grip was iffy because it was wet with saltwater and not to mention the waves were trying to break us apart as they tossed the life boat like a rubber toy in a bath tub.

A flash of lightening split the sky and I saw Rose’s face. She was terrified. I kept pulling as the rest of the people tried to stay still. There was nothing they could do. They were trying to save themselves. I reached out with my other hand in an attempt to grab her and pull her up with two hands but I couldn’t.

I glanced towards the bow of the boat and saw a massive wave rolling towards us. I well knew I couldn’t hold her through that. I pulled as hard as I could. Rose was almost dead weight because of all the sea water in her dress and the fact that she could do nothing.

She clawed at the side of the lifeboat with her free hand and I reached to try to catch it again when the massive wave struck the boat and my hand couldn’t hold any more. Rose disappeared under the waves.

For a moment I stared at the place and realized what had just happened. Rose was dead. Lost at sea all because I couldn’t keep a grip on her hand. I had failed her and my child. My child. I had lost the two people that loved me. All because I couldn’t hold on. It was my fault I had lost them. And, with that realization, I died inside.

On a small lifeboat in the middle of nowhere in the Mediterranean, my heart died. What might have been called human in me died. And all that was left was the monster.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I am sorry to do this to you. Well, maybe I am. I will tell you that until bewailed_his_fate gets her act together and starts her third book I SHALL NOT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, sorry but I had to get back at her somehow. This is her encouragement to do that. HEHEHEHEHEHE. I hope you enjoyed.


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