Chapter 19 - Vigil

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Rosetta's POV:

I looked down at Erik's still form. He was still breathing and didn't seem to be giving up. I took his hand in mine and stroked it lovingly. He meant the world to me and I knew I couldn't go on without him. Where would I go anyway? I was alone in the world. He was the only one left who meant anything to me.

I shuddered at the thought of having to let him go. Daroga held no hope out for him. He was going to die. I brushed my fingers through his black hair and felt my heart break. I laid my head on the bed and started to cry again.

I felt Daroga walk up behind me and start to rub my back slowly. I sobbed for a little while then wiped away the tears. They were fruitless. He sat down beside me and whispered,

“Rosetta, you have shed more tears than a friend would. What do you feel towards this man?” I looked at him and whimpered,

“What do you mean?” He smiled and squeezed the hand that wasn't holding Erik's.

“Look, I know love when I see it. You are young and pretty and consider yourself a friend to this man. I was just waiting for the day when you would fall in love with him.” I started to cry all over again and buried my head in Erik's arm. Daroga rubbed my back again and I sobbed out.

“Oh, Daroga, what am I to do? I love him and when he dies it is going to kill me as well. Oh, what am I going to do?” Daroga sighed and said,

“Rosetta, there is nothing I know of that you can do. You have fallen in love with a dangerous man. I can't help you any.” I lifted my head up and looked at him.

“Daroga, what is worse, is if he lives he will never love me. I am nothing to him. I am just a orphaned English girl. Erik is wealthy. All he has to do is ask the Shah and he could have any girl he wanted.” Daroga sadly nodded.

“It is true. The shah would give him anyone of the harem girls or even a noble's daughter if that noble fears the shah enough. There is only one woman though who would accept that fait other than you.” I looked at him in shock. I didn't know of this woman. He sighed and said,

“The Shah's mother. The khanum. Her pleasure in his killing is almost sexual.” I wrinkled my nose.

“I never have seen her. When Erik went to do his show, I was sent to the harem girls to keep them occupied. I guess Erik didn't want me to see whatever happened.”
Daroga dryly laughed.

“No, you don't want to see it. The way that the khanum speaks to Erik tells me she really wants him. But strangely enough Erik doesn't see it. He is so wise in everything but the ways of a woman. Especially a woman who wants him in her bed.” I scowled at the thought. Only khunam would be crazy enough to try such a thing. Somehow, I got the idea that Erik wouldn't be too keen on that idea.

“If Erik doesn't feel anything for her then she is asking for a cobra to her bed.” Daroga laughed.

“Very true. He would have some things to say on the subject and they wouldn't be nice. Oh well, maybe she won't ask and he won't realize it.”

We were silent for a while before he spoke again,

“I once wished that Erik never fell in love. I knew it would be worse than any torture chamber he could have imagined. Now, I wish he will. I wish he would fall in love with you. It would be an answer to his wildest dreams. If he even dreams.” I looked at the still form and traced his jawline with my finger. The thought that he didn't even dare to dream anymore broke my heart in two.

“He does have nightmares.” Daroga look at me and said,

“What about?” I shook my head. He never trusted me enough. He never did trust me.

“He never told me. I guess they were too personal.” Daroga sighed.

“I can only guess his life was hell. One mention of cage and freak and he gives fighting mad. Especially when they are together and directed at him.” I removed my hand from Daroga's and held his in both of mine. Suddenly, it hit me.

“Um, is that what the grand vazir said?” Daroga laughed.

“Yes, and it got him killed. If he had kept his mouth shut he might still be alive.” Strangely, I chuckled at the thought. We fell silent again.
Then the door creaked open and a wheelchair came rolling through. I looked the boy in the chair and saw a resemblance to Daroga. I gathered it was his son. He wheeled over to the side of the bed and said,

“*Why did they poison him?*” The boy asked. I looked the boy over and say that he was not long for the world. He was thin, pale, and it looked like he couldn't see very well at all. Daroga sighed and quietly told the boy,

“*You must understand that he has many enemies, Reza. He has become too powerful. There are many people who the him and wish for this death.”

“*If I speak to him, will he hear me?*” I looked at the young boy and gave him a warm smile. Erik was his friend as much as mine.

“*I don't think so, Reza … I don't think he can hear anything now.*” Daroag tried to reason with a boy who knew all too much about death and couldn't bare the thought of losing Erik any more than I could.

“*But he might,” Reza stubbornly insisted. The boy wasn't giving up. Daroga gave up and I moved a little ways away so the boy could get close to the body.

“*I want you to wake up, Erik. My music man is broken and no one else knows how to mend it.*” I looked at Daroga and he just rolled his eyes and mouthed,

“A toy Erik gave Reza.” I smiled. That would make sense. There was no reply to Reza's words. The child kept repeating them but all to no avail. In the end, Daroga had to guide him out. I look down at the body and saw the faintest motion. His hand moved. I brushed it away as a figment of my overactive imagination which wanted him alive.

Daroga came back in and said,

“You came sleep if you want. I will watch him.” I looked at him and shook my head. I wasn't letting anyone else watch over my beloved. Daroga sighed and walked out of the room. I turned back to Erik and resumed my vigil.

The Next Night:

I was still watching. I had barely eaten or drunk anything and it was coming to the point that Daroga was fretting over my health when suddenly, Erik opened his eyes and looked at me. He said softly,

“*You should have told me it was broken.*”

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