Chapter 16 - Daroga

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Rosetta’s POV:

It had been two days since I had seen Erik. He had been gone that morning after our conversation. Maysa had come over several times to keep my company and I had learned a good deal about what was going on. It seemed that the grand vazir had made Erik angry and it seemed that Erik was planning something.

I learned enough of Erik to know that when he vanished something bad was going to happen.

I was sitting on the organ and playing a single piece I knew when the door burst open and a Persian man came through. He called out,

“Eri-“ Then he saw me. He stared at me for a moment before saying,

“Who are you?” I smiled slightly and moved away from the organ. I took a deep breath and said,

“Rosetta Williams, Erik’s slave.” He raised his eyebrows and found a seat. He sighed and frowned.

“I didn’t know he had a slave. He never told me.” I laughed and reseated myself. I was slightly surprised at that but didn’t make a comment. I thought I knew who this man was but I wasn’t sure. I looked like Nadir, Erik’s friend.

He looked me over and said,

“My name is Nadir Khan or as Erik calls me, Daroga. I am honored to meet you. Um, what do you do for Erik?” I could see the suspicion and I quickly said,

“Oh, I am not really his slave. It’s a long story but I am really his friend and I live with him under the guise of his slave.” Daroga rolled his eyes and laughed.

“My, my, that is certainly interesting. Now would you mind telling me the story?” I smiled and proceeded to tell him everything. By the end he was shaking his head and marveling.

“Rosetta, you are one special woman. Erik never treats another like he has treated you. And you mean to say that you have heard him sing and were not spellbound?” I nodded.

“I wasn’t. I love his voice. It is so beautiful. It doesn’t put me under a spell.” He shook his head in amazement.

“You are certainly a unique woman, Rosetta. I am pleased to see he isn’t alone. Now, I completely forgot for one moment the reason I am here. Where is Erik?” I shrugged my shoulders.

“I haven’t the slightly clue. He has been missing since two days ago. Do you have any ideas?” Daroga sighed and said,

“I have my theories. I don’t want to hurt you innocent ears with the details though.” I folded my arms and stated firmly.

“I am hardly innocent of what Erik does. I watched him kill my father before my very eyes. I have heard gruesome tales of what he had done to his victims. Now, please tell me.” Daroga groaned and finally gave in.

“Very well, I shall tell you. The grand vazir has made Erik angry. He wanted to have him killed but in the end he was only exiled with his wife and children. Erik wanted to make him pay. He didn’t lose anything and Erik wanted him to lose everything. I have reason to believe that Erik is planning on killing him. When I heard he wasn’t around, I knew I needed to find him quickly and see what he has done.”

I frowned. I gathered what he must have done was pretty bad to make Erik this vindictive. I had come the knowledge from Maysa that his anger never died until it was avenged. I could only guess that this was part of that. Somehow, I didn’t fear him anymore. I felt sorry for him. Something had made him this way. Something had hurt him and he was still bleeding.

“Daroga, I wish I could help you. But I don’t know anything. I worry when he is gone. I worry about him.” It was true. I had been worrying. I had been worried over him. At first, I had thought that it was because I could be sold to another if something happened but now I realized I was just worried about him in general. I didn’t want anything to happen to my friend.

He laughed at me and said, “Do you worry about him or those he is around? Erik can take care of himself. I would worry about whatever he is doing.” I shook my head.

“No, Daroga, I worry about him. I am always worried about him. I don’t like what he does but something made him that way. I have seen the man behind the walls and he is a great man.” Daroga looked at me and shook his head.

“Rosetta, only a woman could see that. I have trouble doing that sometimes. I had yet to decide what he is.” I glared at him and quickly corrected.

“Who he is. He is not a ‘what’. He is as human as the next.” I was about to keep talking when the door opened. I looked up and Erik strode in. He looked at Daroga and me and said,

“Good evening, Rosetta. What are you doing here, Daroga?” When he addressed me, he spoke calmly and gently. He growled as he addressed Daroga. He pointed at the door and said to me,

“Rosetta, leave. Daroga and I it seems have things to dicuss. Leave us.” I nodded and hurried off to the bedroom. As soon as I had settle down on the bed, I heard the shouting begin. I didn’t understand any of it. It was all in Persian.

I blocked out the noise and forced myself to ignore it all. I had some thinking to do. I needed to think about exactly what Erik meant to me. I was his friend and cared for him as such. Or did I? I mean, my feelings were growing far beyond just friendship or so I felt. I missed his presence and worried over his absence. It was like I loved him.

I had laid down while thinking and jolted upward when the words passed through my head. Love. I never had loved a man in a romantic way. I didn’t know what love was really. But I knew that I would do anything to keep him safe.

My heart thudded as I began to realize exactly what I felt. I was falling in love with the Angel of Doom. I smiled at the thought and relaxed again. I knew he would never love me back. I wasn’t beautiful and intelligent but I would always love him no matter what happened.

As I basked in the feeling of being in love, I noticed that the shouting had ceased and there was no noise coming from the other room. I heard a door closing and the organ began.

I walked out and Erik was composing. I swore I saw tears glistening in his eyes. I thought about interrupting him but decided against it. I returned to my room and laid down. Two hours later, I felt movement and turned over.

Erik had slid in and his pain was so obvious that it could be felt in the room. I reached over and tapped his shoulder. He turned to look at me. I smiled at him slightly and decided to be bold. I slid over to his side and pulled wrapped my arms around him. He tensed at the touch but finally gave him.

He seemed too tired to fight me. He wrapped his arms around me and laid his head in the crook of my neck. I held him until his crying ceased and he fell asleep in my arms. Only when he was asleep did I allow myself to rest.

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