- Feelings -

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Jungkook stumblingly yelled, jogging down the stairs into the Kitchen with Taehyung who was holding a frying pan in hand. He then decided to sit down at the table. A towel was wrapped around his neck, hair semi wet. He looked hot.  (You can imagine it.) "Morning, Kookie. I made you some eggs." Taehyung boxy smiled as he scraped the finished eggs on the plate. 

Taehyung didn't even bother to look at Jungkook yet. He just knew what would happen. The smell of Jungkook's vanilla body spray took over Taehyung's nose quickly, it turned him on almost immediately.

"Thanks Tae! But why the kind treatment today?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung, puzzled. "I heard you." Taehyung mumbled, completely ignoring Jungkook's question. He finally looked up and gave him a blank serious look purposely. 

Taehyung wanted to look away as soon as he saw the wet ends of Jungkook's hair slightly matted to his forehead. Jungkook just looked way to fresh. . . And sexy.

Jungkook looked down embarrassed knowing what Taehyung was talking about. He felt his cheeks immediately flush red. "Hey, Kook, there is nothing to be embarrassed about." Taehyung ruffled his friend's hair and showed his boxy smile again, trying to reassure him. 

Just that smile alone made Jungkook smile back still embarrassed. Taehyung had the most cutest, relieving, reassuring, anything you could think of, kind of smile. "Mmm. . . Thanks." He answered nervously, still upset at himself for singing to loud. 

Taehyung on the other with his thoughts going crazy wanted to say everything about Jungkook's voice, he wanted to tell him how special and gifted he was. He wanted to say that Jeon Jungkook means everything to him. But he stayed silent tapping his fingers on the fridge. 

Taehyung needed a distraction. He grabbed an orange from the refrigerator, since he just wasn't feeling much hunger and began peeling it. "Tae, aren't you hungry?" Jungkook asked a bit worried. Taehyung shook his head, "Not really. . . You eat up!" Taehyung turned around to the sink and let the pieces of orange skin fall into the sink.

Jungkook tried focusing on the food but instead the focus kept going to his friend. Something was off this morning. Taehyung was acting weird. Yeah, his friend was always very weird, but he felt as though Taehyung could've been sick? Jungkook snuck a look at his best friend. Nope, regular old Tae. 

He watched as Taehyung hummed a random toon all while peeling the orange. Jungkook decided to keep quiet about it and finish his food. It bothered him though, he knew Taehyung could be hiding something.

After a second of thinking, Jungkook looked at the clock, "God Damnit, already time to join the class meetings." Jungkook and Taehyung both do college online, they liked it that way. Things could be done easier. "Alright, let's get this day done." Taehyung added happily, tossing the naked orange up in the air. 

Jungkook quickly scooped up the rest of the eggs and shoved them in his mouth. He then got up and quickly ran away from the kitchen, beginning to go up the stairs. Taehyung watched him the entire way, knowing Jungkook would not look back. 

Taehyung knew how Jungkook acted when he was embarrassed. Jungkook sang, and someone heard him. He was flustered as Hell, even if it was his best friend. '

Damn that cute fat ass.' Taehyung watched Jungkook's booty slightly jiggle every step he ran up. Fuck did he want to grab it horridly. Instead, he ignored, and began running downstairs to his own room.

"See you after school!" Taehyung yelled. 

"You might not if I fall asleep after!" Jungkook yelled back. They both laughed and closed their doors in unison.

Best Friend's in Love (Taekook) -READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE READING STORY-Where stories live. Discover now