Hoseok clapped his hands together very happily, "So. . . Yoongi, Jimin, should we tell them?" Jungkook and Taehyung shot a surprised look at Hoseok, "You two were in on whatever he's talking about?" Yoongi and Jimin nodded at Jungkook. Jungkook stood in curiosity, "Okay. . . So. . . this is an offer for you both. . ." Jungkook and Taehyung looked back over at Hoseok.
"Yoonmin, Namjin and I are. . . FORMING A BAND! And since you two have wonderful voices, I am giving you each an offer to join! Namjoon came up with the idea first and we carried on from that." Both boys' mouths dropped, "HELL YES!" They both shouted together. Yoongi and Jimin stood there thinking about the ship name Hoseok just gave them.
"Great! However, our band is going to include more with dancing, singing, rapping. Namjoon, Yoongi and I are rappers, Jimin, Jin, and hopefully you two can be the singers. . ." Hoseok went over explaining all the information, not many crazy things just things they should know before it actually comes about.
The hours of practice, the dressing requirements, and being ready for the best and worsts of it all. Taehyung and Jungkook were prepared for anything, especially making music with their group of best friends. They could all work together as well which is even better.
"It's going to be a good year, after. . ." Hoseok stopped the sentence and winked at Jungkook. This is the third time it was brought up in the past week. Jungkook was so confused again. Jungkook thought what Hoseok just told them was the secret, but he was wrong, "After What?! What is going to be happening!? I'm so fucking lost. . ." They kept playing with Jungkook's mind. Taehyung pulled his arms around Jungkook's tummy from behind and took him into a back hug.
The boys laughed at poor helpless Jungkook. Jungkook just decided to ignore it again. "Ahh. . . You'll find out later on today, Kook, just wait." This time Yoongi winked, making the group laugh again. "Why is the party happening at the front door?" All the boys turned around to find Namjoon and Jin walking towards the door, Wearing regular black and white suits.
"Namjoon, Jin, they are in with the whole band idea during the next summer!" Hoseok shouted proudly, the entire group got loud again altogether, "That's fucking amazing! Taehyung and Jungkook listen carefully, we will begin making music during the following time we have this year and create some good music with dance routines. We will have our debut on June 13th, but that is only what I marked in my head but. . . We got this!" Namjoon clapped his hands loudly. Jungkook and Taehyung both nodded in understanding. "We can do it Namjoon!" Taehyung clapped.
"HELL YEAH! . . . But the thing didn't happen yet? Right? We didn't miss it?" Jin asked, looking over at Jungkook. "What!? What is the thing!?" Jungkook was getting frustrated as the group including Namjoon and Jin now laughed. The laughing was very overwhelming. Jungkook got so annoyed that he let himself lose of Taehyung's hug.
Taehyung stopped laughing immediately. He didn't expect this reaction, "Don't be mad, baby. . ." He took his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, but Jungkook pushed it off and walked over to the couch taking a seat down by himself. Everyone else stopped laughing and began feeling bad, "Sorry, Jungkook. . ." Jimin apologized bowing a bit, "Yeah Kook, we're so sorry. . ." Namjoon also joined in and bowed.
They watched Jungkook take his phone out of his suit jacket and ignore them, "Tae. . . You are ready, right?" Jin whispered quietly watching Taehyung staring at Jungkook tapping on his phone. Taehyung looked back over at Jin and nodded.
"Are you sure?" Taehyung nodded again, "Yes. . ." Jungkook stood back up, "Fuck this! Why can't you tell me, Tae!? You all are getting me worked up over something that is probably so stupid. . ." Jungkook shook his head, everyone stayed quiet. Nobody dared to speak to Jungkook, especially since he's mad. "Tae?!" Jungkook looked hard in Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung clenched his teeth together nervously.

Fanfiction--- Warning: Please only read if you're mature--- Chapters with: ! :Involves sexual activity Chapters with: - : Are Normal Description: THERE IS SO MUCH SMUTT!!! I AM SORRY TAEKOOK IRL!!! This story is a...