! Mistake -

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Title: ! Mistake -

Taehyung and Jungkook didn't even care about grabbing new clothes for after. Instead they ran right to their hot tub room. Before stripping each other Taehyung pulled Jungkook into a hard hug. "I missed you so much. . ." Jungkook giggled and blushed, squeezing Taehyung back tightly.

"It's only been 3 days but me too. . ." Taehyung also squeezed tighter. They pulled away after a little bit with red faces. "Now. . . Let's get this thing running for us." Taehyung turned around and pressed the button to turn on the water jets.

Jungkook began removing his clothing as Taehyung was doing his work. But instead he kept his pants on since he wanted Taehyung to do it for him. That's right, tonight Jungkook wanted to be the commanding one. "Get over here, Hyung."

Taehyung was startled by the sudden call. He was just trying to feel the water to check if it were warm enough. He took his hand out and obeyed Jungkook's command. Once he turned around to check out that Jungkook was shirtless, he already lost himself.

"Baby, what-" He was cut off, "-Here." Jungkook pointed down in front of him. Taehyung again did as told and kneeled in front of Jungkook. "Shit, you already have a boner. . ." Taehyung nervously began undoing his pants.

Jungkook smirked from above watching Taehyung proudly, "You are so lucky that I can't fuck you." Taehyung looked up at Jungkook's sudden words also with a smirk. Taehyung finally slid his sweatpants all the way down and removed them. He threw them to the corner of the room. "These poor underwear. Your dick is already halfway out."

Taehyung pouted now at Jungkook who just giggled awkwardly. "Let me end that suffering, baby." Jungkook blushed now stopping the awkward giggles, "Please, Hyung. Do it." Taehyung with the permission, then took off Jungkook's underwear happily.

He flung it to the corner of the room with the sweats but still stayed looking into Jungkook's eyes, not even giving a peak at Jungkook's dick yet. "Tell me what to do, baby." Jungkook looked up to the ceiling pretending to think. Taehyung noticed Jungkook's clean neck getting a bit anxious after seeing it.

"I want you to remove your clothing. Now." Taehyung nodded and stood up first, removing his shirt. "T-Taehyung. . ." Taehyung stopped and looked up at Jungkook who had a shocked expression on his face. "You like? . . "

Jungkook nodded slowly with his jaw slightly dropped open, "I love it. . ." Jungkook walked up to Taehyung and placed his hand on his right chest, "My full name. . . is tattooed. . . Across your chest. . ." Jungkook looked back up with big eyes, "Noooo, don't cry baby, I'm about to fuck you. . ."

Taehyung pulled Jungkook into another hug, "It's beautiful. . ." Jungkook grabbed around Taehyung tighter, "Mmm. . . Baby. . ." Taehyung mumbled quietly and also grabbed tighter. "Did it hurt?" Jungkook whispered in his ear now.

"Oh yeah. . . Very. . . But it's all done now and extremely special because it's for you." Taehyung whispered back. Jungkook smiled warmly after hearing that, "Tae. . . Can I get one too? I want it on my neck, visibly, and I want it to say your full name instead."

Taehyung pulled back slightly to look into his eyes, "Yes. Of course you can, my angel." Jungkook and Taehyung each leaned in for another kiss. Taehyung pulled Jungkook into his chest closer so he could feel Jungkook's bare naked body pressing onto his own.

They both unconnected, smiling at each other. "Alright, Hyung. . . Take off those pants. . ." Jungkook said it in a very kind tone. He wanted to be serious but Taehyung's adorable facial expressions told him otherwise.

Taehyung began pulling both his pants, and underwear off at once, "Did your Babyboy say you could take off your underwear yet?" Taehyung stopped midway and pulled the underwear right back up without saying a word back. Damn, was Jungkook actually being patient for once?

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