- Talks -

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"Woah!? What's wrong!? Are you feeling okay?!" Jungkook immediately got off the bed and began running to the door for help. "I-I can't say. . ." Taehyung looked down as Jungkook stopped at the doorway before opening it. "Tae. . ." Taehyung looked back up, "Yeah? . ."

Jungkook slowly walked back over, "You need to take a shit, don't you?" Taehyung nodded slowly, it hit him like a bus, he NEEDED to go terribly bad getting very, very, red. Jungkook giggled, "It's okay, Tae! No need to feel embarrassed, I can help you!" Taehyung bolted his eyes up to Jungkook's.

"B-but- it's going to hurt. . ." Jungkook giggled again, "You'd be surprised, but the doctors said, you would have no trouble using the bathroom." Taehyung smiled a bit in relief, "Really?" Jungkook grabbed both Taehyung's hands, "Yes, really, cutie!"

Taehyung was probably as red as a tomato but he didn't care, "Alright. . . May you please help me, Kook?" Jungkook smiled now, "I'd be honored!" Jungkook took Taehyung's arm carefully, helping him get his feet on the floor. "Oh. . . I didn't know I would be naked under this!"

Taehyung palmed his face and finally stood up, not enjoying the hospital gown, "But you look pretty with a dress on!" Jungkook showed his adorable bunny smile, "I need to buy you a dress." Taehyung blushed again at both cutenesses happening. He was pretty much tomato paste at this point. Ignoring it, he began taking slow tiny steps with Jungkook. Jungkook felt like he was taking care of a child. Taehyung was just too precious.

"Fuck! I forgot! Did you tell-" Jungkook already knew what Taehyung was going to say, "-Yes all our friends know what happened. They will be visiting later on today, to see you!" Taehyung smiled but he forgot to ask the most important question. "Kook. . . How did you get out?"

Jungkook giggled, "The cops let me go. The man escaped jail as it was. I just have a small court session to go to on Friday! They will not be pressing any charges for protecting you." Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand harder. "That's amazing, Jungkook. . . I am so thankful to have you in my life. . ."

Jungkook squeezed his hand right back. Jungkook opened the door to the bathroom, as they finally arrived. "I know it's a weird question, but can you come in with me? I really don't want to be alone right now. . " Jungkook in full understanding nodded with a warm smile. "Absolutely. Remember that I'll do anything you need."

Taehyung smiled as they both walked in. Who could blame Taehyung for wanting that? He was still terrified. Who wouldn't? Jungkook helped Taehyung sit on the toilet and everything. Jungkook then even faced away from Taehyung and began singing for him.

"There's nothing like us. . .~. . ."

"There's nothing like you and me. . .~ . . ."

"Together~ through the storm.~ . . ."

It didn't take long for Taehyung to finish. Jungkook's beautiful voice just made it so much easier. He wiped that painful ass, as best as possible and flushed the toilet. "Bunny, I'm done. . ." Jungkook turned around, "Well that was the fastest shit I've ever seen anyone take!"

They both giggled, "Told you, I really had to go, but your wonderful voice helped." Jungkook blushed and took Taehyung's arms, pulling him up, "Do you need to pee before you get back in there?" Taehyung laughed nervously, "Uh-uh-" Jungkook giggled again.

"I'll take that as a yes. I got you Tae-Tae." Taehyung smiled at him, Jungkook smiled back as he turned the opposite way. Jungkook clung around his small waist tightly, so Taehyung wouldn't fall. He is so lucky to have Jungkook with him right now.

It was way less awkward then Taehyung thought it was going to be. He began pissing as someone knocked on the door, "Kim, Taehyung? Are you in here?" It was the doctor, "Give me a few minutes!" Taehyung replied back, "No problem!" They heard her walk away as Taehyung finally finished.

Best Friend's in Love (Taekook) -READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE READING STORY-Where stories live. Discover now