They begin the scene by kissing. Not sloppy kissing. . . Yet. While being connected with Jungkook's face, Taehyung reached to Jungkook's shirt underneath him and slowly Unbuttoned his way to what he wanted to touch. "Let me see your beautiful skin baby." Jungkook moaned in enjoyment. Taehyung slid himself down a bit and started feeling, kissing, and biting Jungkook's chest.
"Ah- Tae, Keep going." Jungkook replied while putting his hands on top of Taehyung's head pushing Taehyung's face into his skin. They were suddenly interrupted by a phone call. "What?" Jungkook picked up the phone, "Jimin again! I already dealt with him earlier!" Taehyung rolled his eyes. He grabbed Jungkook's phone out of his hand and answered it:
T: "He's busy right now, Jimin."
JI: "No, No, No Tae wait please, I called you also but your phone must be silent."
T: "Agh! What the fuck do you need?"
JI: "So- Um I am actually- at the stores- don't get mad, I was actually spying on-"
T: "-Yoongi, Huh!" Taehyung laughed, "Then why are you calling us Jiminie?!"
JI: "Well, because I kind of took the train here and maybe, just maybe missed it. . . Can you guys please come pick me up!"
T: "Could you ask anyone else to get you? Why us?" Taehyung quickly grew puzzled.
JI: "Because I actually need a place to sleep tonight, I don't want to go back to my home. . ." Jimin's voice sounded shaky.
T: "Jimin bud, calm down, and breathe." They heard Jimin take a breath, "We will be there in 45 minutes, just wait, okay?"
JI: "Alright! Thank you, you're a life saver! Also did you guys get home yet?"
T: "Ahh-No not yet. Actually. . . Why can't I bring you back to your home tonight, anyway?" Jungkook let out a little whine upset at Jimin's call. Taehyung put his finger to Jungkook's lips.
JI: "Because- uh- uhhhh- I don't have my key. I locked it in my house on accident! I will call my mother tomorrow to let me in."
T: "Cut the act Jimin, we both know that Yoongi is waiting for you with his presents. He got them special for you!"
JI: "Please! Come now! Please I'm desperate!"
T: "Okay Jimin, Calm down! It was just a shitty joke! On our way." Taehyung snickered and hung up.
"Well. . ." Taehyung slowly pulled himself off of Jungkook and slid himself back into the driver's seat. "Taeeee." Jungkook whined again, "You can't get me hard and just leave me here like this!" Jungkook crossed his arms and threw his head back on the seat.
"I want you too Kook, and believe me, very badly. You make me hard just by looking at you, but we have to get Jimin first." Jungkook adjusted the chair back to normal "Fine. But you will be getting punished from me now as well." Taehyung giggled and started driving again.
Jungkook suddenly unzipped his pants. "Would you mind if I. . ." Taehyung widened his eyes and bit his lip hard trying to control himself, looking at the road and nodded his head "Go ahead. . . But I want you to be on your best behavior or else you're going to be put in the back seat."
Jungkook shot a deadly glare at Taehyung. "I am not an actual baby Tae! Mmm. . ." Jungkook took his dick out of his underwear and started jerking off. Taehyung didn't try to, but he had to take a peek, "Shit-" Jungkook looked over to him and smirked, "Are you sure I shouldn't put you- ah- in the back seat?" Jungkook moaned in between the sentence making Taehyung feel even worse, "Kook, just make sure to wash your hands after."
Jungkook winked, "Of course I will. . . Don't be shy. . . Touch it Hyung." Taehyung didn't turn that offer down. He took one of his hands off the steering wheel and wrapped that hand around Jungkook's dick. Jungkook moaned as soon as Taehyung's fingers touched it. Jungkook grabbed Taehyung hand and helped him pump it up and down, "Wow- ah-"
---Back at Stores---
"Oh, thank god you guys are here!" Jimin opened the back door moving into the seat sliding over the bags having no clue what's inside. Jungkook looked back at Jimin who was buckling himself up.
"You need a booster seat, Jiminie?" He couldn't help it. Taehyung and Jungkook started laughing hysterically "Fuck! Why me! You'll see one day I will be taller than you!" Jimin grew red and slapped Jungkook's face very, very lightly.
"That's the best you can do?" Jungkook laughed, "Well I don't want to damage your face. . ." Jimin pouted as Jungkook shook his head and turned back around.
"So Jimin, if we are going to allow you to stay, you owe us." Jimin's eyes shot up, "I will do anything for you guys! Please just let me stay for one night!" Taehyung looked in the review mirror, "tell us what is going on. You know Yoongi isn't going to give up, right? He gets what he wants." Taehyung smiled.
"Ahhh! Okay if that's what it takes let me tell you what happened." Jungkook looked back at Jimin wide-eyed, "Oh! Something. . . Happened." He smirked making Jimin uncomfortable. Jimin shot his head down in embarrassment. "Tell us Jiminie!" He shook Jimin's right shoulder lightly waiting for the drama to spill.
"That night at the pool party, everyone left not to long after you two disappeared, except for Yoongi." he continued to look down.
"He told me, that. . . He actually had a crush on me, for a very, very long time. I was blinded for years! He flirted with me all the time!" Jungkook grabbed a Twinkie from the seat storage snack department and started unwrapping it.
"However, me with my fucking stupid brain thought it was a joke and laughed!" Jimin smacked his hand to his forehead.
"I noticed he wasn't lying when I looked at his face. It was one of the scariest, most threatening faces I have ever seen. I thought he was going to hurt me! But he was hot. . ."
"That's what you get if you underestimate Yoongi. It was very clear he liked you." Jungkook commented taking a bite slowly.
"Yeah, that's when things got bad, I got so nervous that I made an excuse to go to the bathroom and I locked myself in there for about 30 minutes. I knew how wrong I was and was planning an apology letter to say when I got out." Jimin looked up into Jungkook's face stuffed then looked down again. "Shit. And what happened. . . ?" Taehyung asked drawn in.
"I got out and went back into the yard ready to tell my apology, but Yoongi was gone! All that was left on the seat was a note that wrote, 'Next Saturday' with a condom stuck to the back of it!" Jimin threw his hands up. "He even took my car leaving me his Motorbike! I can't ride that!"
"Of course, I wanna fuck with him, but I am terrified!" Taehyung caught up with Jimin's words, "Wait, wait, so you made us go all the way here to pick you up, bring you to OUR apartment, just so YOU can avoid YOONGI waiting in YOUR house for YOU!" Taehyung laughed.
"Oh, Jiminshi you're going home! No need to stay with us!" Jimin broke out in a cold sweat, "Please, I am begging you!" Jungkook took the last bite of the Twinkie, "Jimin, why are you so scared though?"
Jimin brought his eyes back up to Jungkook's, "Because it would be my first time. . . With, a- uh- Male." Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's knee, "There is nothing to worry about Jimin! Plus, I know you will really enjoy him!" He tried reassuring him.
Jimin put his hand on Jungkook's. Taehyung noticed and quickly swept off Jimin's hand before looking back on the road. Jimin suddenly became questionable, "How would you know? It's not like you slept with a guy?"
"Jimin." Jungkook took his hand off and glanced over to Taehyung. Jimin's jaw dropped, "WHAT! I thought Namjoon was FIBBING! You guys fu-" He couldn't get the rest of the sentence out of his mouth.
"Yeah, 2 times actually. . ." Jimin's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped even more, "T-t-tw-twice!" He kept looking back and forth at them. "What!? Please tell me the details!" He was prepared and took out a small notepad and pen out of his pocket ready to take notes.
"Jimin. You're going home." Jimin gulped.

Fanfiction--- Warning: Please only read if you're mature--- Chapters with: ! :Involves sexual activity Chapters with: - : Are Normal Description: THERE IS SO MUCH SMUTT!!! I AM SORRY TAEKOOK IRL!!! This story is a...