- Repetition !

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Taehyung slowly began letting himself down into Jungkook. "Good Hyung, keep yourself relaxed." Taehyung focused on the amazing feeling, smiling through it all until:

"Coming in!" The bedroom door flew open.

"Who the hell-!?" Taehyung lost his balance falling quickly into Jungkook's dick hard. "FUCKKKAHH!" Taehyung yell-moaned, "I- uhhh- uhh- uhhh-" Jimin's mouth dropped, "Jimin, you Mother fucker! I thought you were leaving us alone!?" 

Jimin still couldn't speak words to what he was looking at. Jungkook pulled the covers over them, both blushing red in embarrassment. "I was going to ask- if you wanted these sound proof panels for the w-walls. Yoongi and I- picked them up for you-" His hands shook as he pulled some panels out from a large shopping bag.

Jimin looked down, avoiding eye contact with the two when Yoongi also came in with more panels. "Holy-shit- Jimin what did you tell them before?!" Jimin turned quickly to look at Yoongi, "I don't know! I was still drunk from the park!" 

Jimin tried exiting the room but Yoongi grabbed his arm before Jimin had the chance. "Ahh-ah-" Taehyung couldn't keep his moans in since Jungkook kept on adjusting himself nervously.

"Did that sound just come from Taehyung- OH!" Yoongi just realized they were more than just being naked under there, "So. . . You guys are in the middle of having sex. . . Right now, under the blanket. . ." He gulped nervously as Taehyung and Jungkook both nodded. "Uh-Um would you like us to leave?" Jimin asked stupidly. Jungkook wiggled himself even more "Ahh- Kook!"

"Yes! please!" Jimin and Yoongi both nodded and hurriedly ran out of the room giggling like little children. Taehyung threw his head back gripping onto Jungkook's muscular thighs and rolled out of Jungkook because of the continuous painful movements. 

"I'm so sorry, Hyung!" Taehyung let himself off the bed and stood up, "Jungkook, I want to have sex somewhere else." Jungkook nodded in agreement, "We get interrupted almost every fucking time."

The boys both threw on their clothes back on with a plan. They took their way downstairs to find Jimin and Yoongi who were sitting next to each other on the couch silently. It looked as if they were both trying to process whatever they've seen upstairs. Once the two walked in, their eyes shot up at them both. "Okay, so. . . Jimin, here." Jungkook handed Jimin a small envelope package. "What's this?" He asked questionably. "Open it."

Jimin listened and opened the package. "A key?! For what?" Jungkook motioned for them both to stand up, "I bought an extra room up on the third floor a long time ago for emergencies. You guys can have it until Jimin can finish paying off his house!" Yoongi and Jimin both broadened their eyes, "Why didn't you have this idea from the start, Kook!?" Jimin stood up. "Honestly. . . I forgot until I opened up my bedside drawer. . ."

Everyone laughed, "What!? So you could have been uninterrupted by us this ENTIRE time!?" Jungkook nodded, "I knew I couldn't blame you both." He pulled Yoongi and Jimin into a tight hug. Taehyung watched the precious moment happening and let out his box smile. "Thank you so much Jungkook, I will pay you back as soon as possible!" They all pulled away from the hug. Jimin couldn't stop smiling. Yoongi took Jimin's hand, thanking Jungkook with his eyes.

The group talked for a while longer before leaving. The crickets chirped loudly from the outside that it echoed in the room.

"Again, thank you so much, both of you!" He smiled while taking Yoongi's hand. They waved their goodbye's and left the apartment. "Ahhh. . . Finally some peace." Taehyung took a long relieved deep breath. Jungkook smiled widely and walked over to him. "Oh Kook baby, please just get undressed." They both AGAIN took off every piece of clothing as fast as possible. They weren't ready to run into another interruption.

"What made you not want to do the foursome anymore, Kook?" Taehyung asked as he walked over to Jungkook and wrapped his hands behind his neck. They pressed their naked bodies together. "I realized actually that. . ." Jungkook paused for a moment and leaned his forehead onto Taehyung's. Taehyung clung his hands tighter around Jungkook's neck, "I'm always here to listen."

"The only person I wanna see during sexual activities is you. I put in all my effort for you. Nobody else matters in those moments. The feeling of you inside of me makes me feel so comfortable. I feel like I lost all the toxins in my heart. I love you so much, Taehyung and I want you to make love to me tonight as hard as you can."

Taehyung immediately pushed his lips onto Jungkook's. They started making out. Falling backwards on the couch together. His soft perfect lips felt like butterfly wings on his. Jungkook's lips moved with Taehyung's lips smoothly. Taehyung now realized everything Jungkook was feeling. All he needed was the one who was connected to him. In between the constant kisses of breaths Taehyung managed to say, "I- Love- You-" Jungkook pulled his face back to look into Taehyung's eyes. "I love you too."

"Jungkook you changed me. I don't know what you did. I also want you to be the person to spend the rest of my life with. Every day and every second I think about you, not only about your sexy body, but how important you are in my life. You might have been my best friend in the past, but I am so glad we changed things."

Jungkook blushed and took his hand on Taehyung's head to stroke the front of his fluffy dark hair. "Tae. . . I need your love right now. . ." Taehyung brushed his hands down Jungkook's spine to the end of his tailbone. "I just want you to know that you're so perfect, baby." Jungkook blushed as Taehyung gave Jungkook another few quick soft kisses.

"Wanna try some doggy style baby?" Jungkook nodded, "Yes please. And I want you to Cum hard into me for tonight." Taehyung giggled and brought his hand back up to Jungkook's neck, "Then after, you finally can finish fucking me, baby. It's been too long." Jungkook smiled widely. "I promise baby."

Jungkook reached his pinky in between him and Taehyung's face, Taehyung intertwined it. Jungkook took a quick peek at the time. It stated 10:47pm, "Let's take all the time we need." Both boys smiled largely holding their pinkies together.

"Now. . . Get on your hands and knees for me baby."

Best Friend's in Love (Taekook) -READ DESCRIPTION BEFORE READING STORY-Where stories live. Discover now