𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 12

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Kate couldn’t sleep. Arousal continued to course through her veins, intensified by the warm strength of Tyler’s body beside her. He rolled to his side, his chest rising and falling with the rhythm of his breath. She ran her fingers over his back, loving the way his muscles moved beneath his taut, tanned skin.

She eased out of bed, pulling on a cotton robe before going to the kitchen. She filled a glass with water and turned on her laptop.

As it warmed up, she checked her phone. Five texts from Candy King employees popped up, including one from Josh asking if she could bring the information for the next all-company email to the Rainbow Palace Bakery in Rainsville on Saturday.

A pang of guilt shot through her. Though none of the issues were time sensitive, she had a reputation for responding to messages within five minutes—not five hours. She quickly replied to all of them, promising Josh she’d drop the paperwork off at the bakery before ten.

She looked at her laptop, the multiple folders organized on the desktop. She’d had plans to work last night, but wow…hadn’t those plans gone totally awry?

And she couldn’t exactly muster up any interest in working right now, not with her blood still pulsing and her sex damp and quivering. She was half tempted to go back to bed and wake Tyler up for…

“You getting my quiz ready?” His deep voice rolled through the darkened kitchen.

Kate turned away from the computer. Her nerves lit up at the sight of him leaning against the doorjamb in nothing but his boxer briefs. The dim light carved shadows over his chest, delineating all his muscles and washboard abdomen with that trail of hair pointing the way straight to bliss.

For a minute, she couldn’t believe she’d had sex with him, this big, hunky male with his messy dark hair and chiseled body. No wonder he was such a popular fuck buddy. Women everywhere would…

…and that thought could stop right there.

“Maybe.” Kate rested her hips on the counter and eyed him pointedly. “What does the acronym MARC stand for?”

“Making A Really pretty girl Come.” He rubbed the scruff on his jaw. “A girl named Kate.”

She stifled a giggle. “And what is the purpose of authority control?”

“Consistency.” He started walking…no, stalking toward her like a predator seeking its prey.

“What else?” Kate’s breathing grew shallow with every step that brought him closer.

“Organization.” He stopped in front of her. The air warmed with his body heat. “Cooperative cataloging. Access control.”

“You did do some homework.”

“My teacher told me to.” His eyes darkened as his gaze slid to the V neckline of her loosely belted robe. “But now she has to obey my orders.”

Kate’s knees weakened. She reached behind her to grasp the counter and keep her balance. Tyler hooked his finger into the belt of her robe and slowly pulled it off. The robe separated, revealing her flushed, naked body. Her nipples were still hard, her skin marked from his whisker burn and the pressure of his grip.

Kate shivered, automatically moving to close the robe. Tyler grabbed her arms and stepped closer, locking his lower body to hers and pushing her back against the counter. He was already half hard, his erection pushing against her belly. Fresh arousal flared through her.

“My orders,” he murmured, grinding his hips slowly against her, “are for you to do exactly what I tell you to do. Because I have authority control.”

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