𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 24

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“Thanks, man.” Henry extended his hand to Tyler. “I’ll take good care of her.”

“You’d better.” Tyler patted the fender of the Mustang, trying to smother a stab of sorrow over having sold the car.

Over the past few years, he’d probably spent more time with the Mustang than he had with any single human being. But as much as he loved the car, he’d give it up a hundred times over if it meant he could finally find his place in the world.

Like Kate did. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, even though she’d closed the door so hard he still heard the slam. According to Josh, after the debacle a week ago, Kate had taken a couple of personal days off before returning to Candy King to start the VP position.

Good for her. She deserved it. And he had to figure out a way to keep going without her. A way that didn’t mean going backward.

He dug into his pocket for the keys and handed them to Henry before walking back to the garage where Charlie was working. He lifted a hand in farewell and headed toward his Trans Am.

Worst case scenario, he’d have to sell this car, too. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that. He could live with selling the Mustang, but the Trans Am had been a gift from Evan and he really didn’t want to let it go. Between the car sale and not renewing his apartment lease, he hoped he’d be able to set his plan into motion.

He returned to his apartment, which was as silent as a tomb. The living room was so sparkling clean it would impress even Martha Stewart. Tyler hadn’t thought he’d miss the mess and noise created by his friends, but damned if he didn’t wish they were around to distract him from his own misery.

He boxed up a few more of his belongings and spent a couple of hours scrubbing down the kitchen. He’d been cleaning and packing for the past week, though the exertion still hadn’t rid him of his anger and frustration.

However, it had prevented him from driving over to Kate’s and doing something stupid, like falling to his knees in front of her or holding up a boom box blaring a sappy love song.

A sharp knock came at the door. He opened it. Spencer stood on the doorstep.

“Hey, man.” His brother held up a cardboard box. “You didn’t come back to the lab, and Josh said you weren’t at the library anymore. So I brought these over.”

Tyler stepped aside to let him in. “What is it?”

“Take a look.” Spencer put the box on the kitchen counter and opened the fridge.

Tyler unfolded the box top and removed a stack of chocolate bars wrapped in foil. Each one had the GOLD RUSH logo stamped on the top.

“The 49er truffles are in there too.” Spencer popped the cap on a bottle of beer and took a swallow. “I’m still working on the exact recipe, but those are close. Better than the eighteen-century chocolate, too, since they used a more modern manufacturing process. The Gold Rush bars in silver foil have nuts.”

“Thanks.” Tyler set the bar back in the box. “Can I keep these?”

“Sure.” Spencer eyed him perceptively. “So what did Dad have to say about your job?”

“Nothing, yet. I’m meeting him downtown for dinner. Probably also for a stern lecture. I guess he’ll put me to work on the factory floor.”

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