𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 25

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“The data hub would allow Candy King to study consumer purchasing trends.” Miles speared his fork into a soy veggie patty. “Which in turn would inform the development and deployment of business strategies.”

Kate bit into a greasy slice of pizza and almost moaned aloud as the gooey cheese and pepperoni flavors hit her tongue. She’d eaten more junk food in the past week than she’d eaten her entire life, trying to smother her painful emotions beneath layers of carbs and sugar.

Not to mention 2:00 a.m. pancakes, which, as it turned out, weren’t nearly as good alone as they were with a certain hunky librarian.

Unfortunately, her junk food binge wasn’t working. Neither was her attempt to rebound with Miles, who’d invited her to lunch the Monday after their interrupted dinner date.

“So when you combine analytics with consumer insights and trends…” His voice droned on.

While Kate still appreciated his knowledge and wanted to figure out herself how to make his analytics intersect with global trends, she could no longer muster even an ounce of interest in him personally. He was smart, yes, but about as bland and boring as unsweetened rice pudding.

Not to mention, she couldn’t stop thinking about Tyler, which was definitely poor date etiquette. She’d replayed that scene at the Dijon Bistro countless times over the weekend, and part of her still desperately wished she’d taken him up on his offer.

Walk away with me.Just the memory of his deep voice, scraped with a plea, intensified the ache in her heart.

Walk away with him. Tyler would grab her hand and haul her off the path to run through wild fields and across sandy beaches. Then he’d pull her down with him onto the warm sand and kiss her until her head spun and her heart danced upward into the clouds.

Her eyes stung. She couldn’t allow that. As the Vice-President of Corporate Social Responsibility, as Kate Darling, she’d made a commitment to both herself and her new position. A professional, well-ordered life in which there was no room for mistakes or messiness.

“So, Miles.” She polished off her slice of pizza and grabbed a napkin. “Would you like to go dancing tonight?”

“Oh.” He blanched a little. “I’m sorry. It’s Monday night. Besides, I don’t dance.”

“I could teach you. I really get down with the Funky Chicken.”

“No, thank you. I dislike dancing rather intensely.”

Then you haven’t had the right partner.

“What about a movie?” Kate asked. “Or I know of a great arcade we could go to.”

“Arcade?” He lifted an eyebrow in faint confusion. “Do you mean video games?”

“Yes. They have a ton of classics like Pac-Man and Space Invaders. All set to free play, too, so it’s unlimited.”

“Er, that sounds a bit unsanitary.” His mouth twisted as he gestured to his hand. “Germs and all.”

Kate took a gulp of water, wishing it was wine.

“Miles.” She set her glass down and straightened her spine. “You’re a brilliant, very nice man, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. It’s been wonderful working with you as well, but I’m afraid this social element isn’t working for me.”

He blinked, as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“That is, I don’t think we should start dating,” Kate added gently.

Miles was silent for a long moment before he reached up to loosen his tie. He sat back in his chair, his shoulders slumping.

“Why does this keep happening to me?” He pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a sigh. “Every. Single. Time.”

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