Ch. 2 The First Day Part 1

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"Katherine! Please be careful and make friends that are GIRLS!" My mother called as I mounted my motor bike and adjusted my helmet.

After adjusting everything, I turned to her and smirked, "I'll try mother, but I am not making any promises!" I yelled as I started my bike and began to ride down the road racing against the wind to Ouran High School Academy.

"What she already knows won't hurt her. Besides, she knows I like making friends with guys over girls. Less drama and squealing," I thought as I continued on my way.

But boy was I about to be proven wrong.

~Time Skip~

As I pulled into Ouran I looked around at the others kids in disgust and silently thought to myself, "Really? They're all about fifteen and sixteen and they don't drive themselves? I mean, I get that there's some perks when you're rich, but when you're old enough to have freedom you still have personal drivers? Pathetic."

While pulling in and judging people silently, I didn't notice the flock of girls that were already forming and whispering when I had pulled in. They seem to think I'm a guy.

Dismounting my bike, I slowly took my helmet off and let my long curly locks flow down my back. Afterwards, I took of my leather biker jacket to reveal the curves and breasts that had recently been hidden under it.

The moment I was done I heard gasps and the sound of a few girls fainting. I turned to see a giant flock of girls staring at me in shock. Not knowing what to do, I just smiled kindly and waved at them.

I then quickly finished gathering and putting away my things and headed towards the gates, to find the same group of girls were still there in shock.

I looked at them as they watched me walk, feeling as if I was the pray and they were the predator. Well...

"You girls do know it's impolite to stare with your mouths open right?" I mocked in a sarcastic tone with a closed eye smile.

I opened my eyes to see half of them stutter excuses and the other half try to cover it up but also in another state of shock from my comment. I smiled at them and continued my way onto the school grounds.

"Now that's out of the way I need to go to the administration office to get my schedule," I thought to myself as I trudged towards said office, "who knows, I'm here early enough I could probably explore the school a bit more before classes start."

~Time Skip~

I finally found the office and walked in to find a middle aged woman working at the desk. My steps echoed off the floor and alerted her of my presence.

"Good morning! My name is Katherine Knight. I'm the new student that just transferred here from Russia," I stated sweetly as she smiled kindly at me.

"Hello Ms. Knight. I'm Mrs. Flora, the head of the administration office and Mr. Suoh's personal assistant. I'll get you your schedule," the woman said kindly as she stood up and walked to a cabinet.

I smiled in her direction and suddenly looked down at the front of my uniform. "Tie or no tie?" I mumbled aloud.

"I think no tie and you should unbutton the top button. It would be more flattering too." Mrs. Flora said as she smiled and handed me my schedule.

"Really? Well thank you for the advice Mrs. Flora! And thank you for the schedule!"

Mrs. Flora continued to smile, "You're welcome Ms. Knight."

Afterwards we had a small chat about the school and she gave me advice before I had to leave. But before I left I asked if she had a map of the ginormous school. She laughed and handed me a map and we said our goodbyes.

"Time to explore," I mumbled aloud and began down a hallway.

~Time Skip~

I sighed as I walked around the hallway lost in thought. "You're not lost Kat. You're simply...lost," I sighed aloud as I stopped and went to a wall to just sit.

That's when I heard two sets of foot steps that turned into one. Followed by the sounds of a boys giggles.

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