Ch. 8 The Twins Fight!

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"Kyoya-senpai," I called out as I tried to walk over to said person. When Kyoya-senpai finally noticed me though, the twins had pulled me into to their games.

"Alright! Now that we have Kat, we can play the which one is Hikaru game!" The twins yelled as they capped their heads and switched around.

I groaned. "I don't have time for your games devils, so make this quick."

They smirked at me as their guests tried to guess who was who. I finally got fed up and stood to walk away with Haruhi to make a point.

"Kat! You didn't guess," the twins cooed as they put their arms around my shoulders and waist.

"Haruhi, please help me tell them this is a stupid game," I groaned as the twins faces went mischievous.

"She's right this is stupid guys," Haruhi agreed as she stopped to help me.

"You girls got a problem with us?" They asked in unison.

"No," I started as Haruhi and I finished together, "we just don't understand why both of you are so popular."

"We're disappointed in you two. Apparently you ladies don't seem to understand the merits of having a pair of twins in a host club," they started as they threw me into a chair and sat on either side of me as the explained.

I sighed as they talked about themselves being the taboo twins and my mind decided that I had enough. But my torture wasn't over yet.

"And besides, who hasn't fantasied about having a pair of twins as lovers. Having two loves is better than one don't you think?" Hikaru started as he pulled my chin to face his face.

"It's a young woman's romantic fantasy ," Kaoru ended as they both got really close to my face.

I looked out of the corner of my eyes to see their guests ogling over them and I decided not to play into their ego.

"No actually, now if you don't mind get out of my personal bubble," I replied casually as I got up and walked over to Haruhi.

As I got up, Tamaki came raging over and the twins and I stared at him with blank faces. "HIKARU! KAORU! KAT! WHEN I GAVE YOU GUYS THE JOB TO MANAGE THE WEBSITE I THOUGHT YOU'D TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!"

We all dead panned and the twins started, "We take our job very seriously boss."

I nodded and joined in, "They worked until dawn on that last night and emailed it to me to check over it and do finishing touches."

Tamaki spinned around dramatically as put a computer in our faces, "Is this what you worked so hard to create?"

Suddenly a giant group of girls swarmed the computer and started commenting about Haruhi.

"Tell me when!" Tamaki yelled.

"Huh?" The three of us said in unison.


I face palmed asTamaki ranted and day-dreamed in his mind theater about what we did to Haruhi.


I sighed aloud before the twins could reply, "Have you ever heard of a thing called photo-shop?"

Tamaki froze and the twins did the rest of the explanation. "But if you're going to photo-shop her, can you photo-shop her into these?" He asked as he got down on his knees and held a magazine out.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" The twins and I asked in unison. We stopped and looked at each other.

"I'm spending too much time with you devils," I mumbled as Tamaki ran over to Haruhi to ask about a dress.

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