Ch. 3 The First Day Part 2

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I looked up in the direction the child like giggles of glee were coming from and saw two boys.

One was short with brown eyes, blonde hair, and carried a pink bunny with him every where.

The other one was tall, with black hair and black onyx eyes. He seemed emotionless and so out of tuned with everything else around him. But there was something about them that made them familiar.

I shrugged it off and looked away readjusting myself to sit in a mediated pose and closed my eyes.

" that who I think it is?" I heard the smaller one whisper loudly into the tall ones ear. The taller one stared at me a moment longer and whispered quiter to were I couldn't follow.

I opened one eye to see the two looking at me. Then it clicked, "Senpais?" I asked as I slowly got up.

Honey smiled and jumped off of Takashi's shoulders and hugged me. "KITTY!" He yelled as we swung around in a circle.

"Hey Honey bear," I chuckled as I patted his head.

I turned to Takashi while holding Honey on my hip like a mother holding her young child and smiled at him. "Hey Takashi."

He smiled back with a chuckle, "Hello Kat."

Honey looked at Takashi with a smile and said, "I told you it was Kitty-chan!"

I smiled and started walking with Takashi seeing as Honey wouldn't let go of me.

"So Kitty what brings you to Ouran?" Honey asked as he played with the strands of my hair.

"I'm going to be attending Ouran. Today is actually my first day here," I replied sheepishly as we turned a corner.

Honey's smile seemed to grow wider, "Wow! That's amazing! But Kitty, why were you alone back there?"

I blushed lightly out of embarrassment and chuckled. I looked at him and replied, "I may or may not have gotten lost."

Honey giggled and I heard Takashi chuckle under his breath. I raised a hand in defense. "In my case, I was trying to learn how to get around the school since it's so big." I declared as we started to come across civilization again.

I heard people start mumbling and staring at us as we walked down the main hall. I shrugged it off.

"So Kitty, what class are you in?" Honey asked as he hung on my neck.

"I'm in class A of the first year," I replied casually. "But they don't know how much I've already learned due to all the different learning techniques I've studied under, so I'm being tested over it to see were I really belong."

Out of now where, Takashi pulled Honey and I towards him and my back was to a wall and Honey was sandwhiched between us.

"Sorry. There was someone running towards the both of you," he mumbled as he straightened himself up.

I got off the wall and Honey decided to walk, but the little sweetheart held my hand as we continued to walk.

I looked at Takashi and smiled, "Well thank you Takashi-senpai."

He smiled back with a smile that says 'you're welcome.'

"Kat do you want us to walk you to your class since you got lost?" Honey asked innocently while looking me in the eyes.

I rubbed the back of my head. "Well if you guys want too. I mean I wouldn't want to inconvenience the both of you but-"

"Then we'll take you!" Honey cheered as he took Takashi's hand in his and ran to my class.

~Time Skip~

I leaned against the wall by the door of my class. I panted softly and inhaled and exhaled to calm my breathing.

"Well thank you guys for the walk," I finally said as I leveled my breathing.

"NO PROBLEM KITTY!" Honey yelled as he hugged my lower body.

I smiled and ruffled his hair. "You're still kawaī. Even after several years," I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He giggled and looked at Takashi.

I looked at him with a smile. "Well I gue-"

"Honey-senpai what are you guys doing here?" Two boys asked as they stuck their heads out the door.

Twins. I could already tell that they were going to make this interesting. I smirked slightly at my thoughts as Honey answered, "Hikaru, Kaoru this is Katherine. But she goes by Kat. Takashi and I were just showing her around and we also escorted her to her class!"

The two twins looked at me again and smirked. "Well it looks like we can take her off your hands from here," one twin said as he walked over and put an arm around my shoulder.

The other came out and followed the other ones actions, "Yeah we got this. You guys just hurry onto class."

Before the two third years could answer, the twins dragged me into the class and sat me at a desk between the of them.

The right twin pointed to himself, "I'm Hikaru and that is Kaoru."

I smirked at them, "So you're the boys Kyoya-senpai talked about."

Their eyes widened and they leaned onto my desk, "You know Kyoya too? Who don't you know?" They half yelled as they pulled back and talked to each other in a corner.

Thats when I saw her. "Fujioka?" I said as I got up from my seat.

She looked at me in shock. "Kitty?"

I smiled widely and ran to hug her. "When I heard the name Fujioka Haruhi the other day, I thought it might have been you and I was right!" I chuckled as I felt her stand in shock.

"Kitty-chan what are you doing in Ouran? Are you a transfer student again?" She asked as I let go of her and started walking to our seats. Turns out she sat in front of me.

I laughed, "Nope. Turns out I'm staying in Japan the rest of my schooling years."

Haruhi's face went from shock to happiness. Then the twins butted in. "You know Haruhi too?" They yelled.

I groaned, "Yes I do actually. I stayed at he-"

Haruhi slapped her hand over my mouth and the twins looked at me with wide eyes. "She stayed with my dad and I when she was an exchange student several years ago." She said as she gave me a look.

I gave her one right back and pushed her hand off my mouth. Then the twins leaned in and whispered, "That's how you know she's a girl?"

I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head. "Is there something I should know?" I asked lowly.

The twins backed up and Haruhi shook her head. Then the bell rang. Signaling the class has begun.

"The three of you are explaining the situation to me after class," I growled at them before the sensi walked into the room.

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