Ch. 6 Beware the Physical Exam

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Time passed in a a flash, but in that time I had become known as the female hostess in the Host club.
And little by little, I was getting more visitors each hour. Whether it be for advice, someone to just vent out to, or just to share funny stories and crack jokes, I was your charming and relatable host.

I was also getting the few customers of Honey and Mori that had shipped 'Katashi' and even 'Kori.' I thought it was cute and I smile when they bring it up, but I avoid that topic as much as I can.

Then there were the girls who shipped Kyoya and I. Their ship names were also adorable, like, 'Kaya,' and even 'Shadow Kitty,' using part of his title as the Shadow King and my nickname Kitty.

But to my disadvantage today, I wasn't fully aware of the situation of Haruhi's gender concealment before I walked into the club.

~Time Skip~

"Kat-chan, what do you call being rejected polietly by a boy who is your friend," one of my customers asked as I poured tea into the others cups.

"Are you implying you were friend-zoned?" I asked as I stopped pouring the tea and looked up at the girl. Her brown eyes held depression and she looked as if she was about to cry.

"He friend-zoned me Kat-chan!" She cried aloud as she bursted into tears.

I got up slowly and went around to sit in front of her. I brought her into a hug and started to stroke her back.

"Well it's his loss for losing such an amazing woman like you princess," I soothed as I pulled back and from our embrace and held her chin. I swear she started to blush.

I smiled cheerfully and went to my original spot. "Would anyone like some cake?" I asked has I brought out a strawberry short cake.

"KITTY!" Honey yelled as he came running to me. As I looked up from slicing cake, Honey jumped into my lap and hugged my upper body.

"What is it Honey Bee?" I asked as I pulled back to observe his teary eyed face. I wiped a stray tear as it fell.

"N-No one wants to have cake with me," he cried.

The girls around us snapped out of their awing and shouted, "WE'LL HAVE CAKE WITH YOU HONEY!"

Honey turned to them and smiled. "Alright!" He said joyfully as he jumped to sit on some other girl's lap.

I smiled and notice Tamaki staring at Haruhi. I smirked and bowed to my guests. "Ladies, please excuse me but I must attend to something," I said as I walked away.

"Hey Haruhi! Kat! Come over here for a second," the twins yelled as I tried making my way to tease Tamaki.

"What do you devils want?" I asked as I walked over to the group.

"We should take the same elective together you know," the twins said then looked over their shoulders, "we're in the same class."

I raised my brow as they started to go on about taking Conversational French and I sighed. "Why would I take a language elective when I'm fluent in everything," I sighed as I got out of Hikaru's grip.

"But Kat-"

"No buts. Besides, I'm being moved up to the second year class. I've already tested out of my first year," I said as I walked over to Tamaki and Kyoya.

"Say... Mommy dear," Tamaki started.

Kyoya stopped writing and looked over his shoulder. "What is it now Daddy?"

I stopped walking towards them and started laughing to myself as they continued on.

"I have a new theory," Tamaki starts. "I mean, it's just my hypothesis. But it seems that being in the same class, Hikaru and Kaoru are able to spend more time with Haruhi and Kat than I get to here at the club. This gives them a chance to get close to them and if that happens..."

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