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You held the list in your hand tightly as you walked around the grocery store. It was awfully crowded for a Thursday. So far only half the list was accounted for in your cart. You and Valerie made plans to cook dinner together since you were both free that night. You agreed to pick up the ingredients before heading to her house.

"Okay let's see... parmesan cheese." You mumbled to yourself as you walked down the aisles.

You were too focused on looking at the variant cheeses that you didn't notice the person in front of you as you bumped into them.

"Oops! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" You apologize and ask finally looking at who you bumped into. It was a tall, muscular man with curly hair. He wore a grey sweatshirt with sweatpants and sneakers.

"Yeah I'm good. It was my fault I wasn't looking." He says smiling down at you.

'He's kind of cute.' You thought to yourself.

You look away shyly and continue looking for the cheese. You have no luck so you decide to be bold and ask him.

"Hey um.." You trail off not knowing what to call him.

"Tristan." He says filling the blank in for you.

"Tristan. Nice to meet you I'm Y/N. Do you know where the parmesan cheese is? I see the other cheeses but not the parmesan." You say squinting at the cheese reading each label.

"Shit I don't know either. But I could help you look." He says scanning each of the cheeses as well.

"Oh thanks. Not many people offer to help other people look for stuff." You say mockingly.

"Well sometimes people are cute enough to be helped." He says shooting you a smile.

He was definitely flirting. Which you didn't mind at all since he was cute. You smile back at him and continue to look for your desired cheese. After about five minutes of searching together, Tristan found the cheese you were looking for.

"Damn it's like they was tryna hide it or something!" He says retrieving a pack from the back of the row.

"Right? Why is this one the only one hidden?" You ask annoyed.

Although he helped you find what you were looking for, he still decided to walk around the store with you until you finished your list. You didn't mind his company. He made you laugh and conversations just flowed naturally. He even walked you to your car and helped you with your bags.

"Thanks so much for all your help. I should probably get my eyes checked since I couldn't find that damn cheese." You say sarcastically.

"Nah that's on the store. Hiding shit." He responds. You both share a laugh and stare at each other.

"You know you look familiar." He says raising an eyebrow at you.

"Oh yeah? Where have you seen me?" You ask intrigued. You'd never seen him in your life.

"I don't know but I know I seen you from somewhere." He says rubbing his chin in thought.

"Well I don't know where. I've never seen you before in my life." You say truthfully.

He throws his head back in a laugh and stares at you for a while. You avoid his gaze in shyness and start your car up.

"Can I get your number?" He asks noticing you about to leave. You hesitated while thinking. You decided to give him a chance. Plus Carti wouldn't mind right?

"Sure." You say to him. He hands you his phone and you put your contact information in it.

"Cool. I'll text you." He says closing your door for you. He waves goodbye and walks off to his car.

You sit in your car for a while thinking about his facial features. He was very attractive to you, and by the seems of it, he thought the same about you. You finally get out of your love trance and drive over to Valerie's house.

                           -At Valerie's house-

You both began cleaning the vegetables and meat. Lasagna with key lime pie was on the menu. You told Valerie about Tristan and how cute he was. She asked for his Instagram so she could stalk him but you didn't have it yet. You made a mental note to yourself to ask him for it later. You and Valerie slid the lasagna into the oven and waited for it to bake all the way. You both sat on her couch and talked while the food was cooking. Suddenly your phone rang and you picked it up from the table. You looked at the name and saw the letter C. It was definitely Carti.

"Val it's Carti. He's FaceTiming me right now. Should I pick up?" You ask nervously. Although you knew him long enough to be comfortable with him, you still got nervous talking to him sometimes.

"Girl yes! Answer it! Now!" She practically screams at you.

"Okay okay!" You say fixing yourself up before clicking the green button at the bottom of your phone.

You answer and see Carti on the big screen.

"Wassup shawty." He says from your phone.

"Hey! Nothing much just cooking with Val." You say as you glance over at her. She's grinning widely at you.

"Oh shit what y'all making? I'm hungry as hell." He says through the screen.

"Lasagna and pie. Pull up we'll save you a plate." You say jokingly.

"Alright bet." He says with all seriousness.

"Oh I was just—" You say getting cut off by Valerie jumping on you and covering your mouth. She mutes your phone and looks at you crazy.

"Are you insane?! Don't say you're joking I want him to come here! Oh my god I have to clean! He can't see my place like this!" She says frantically getting up and wiping stuff down.

"Yo you there?" You hear from your phone. Right. You were still muted.

"Yeah my bad. I accidentally muted myself." You said to avoid explaining Valerie acting like a psycho.

"You good. I gotta go though. I was just checking on you. You got that bag still right?" He asks moving around on the screen.

There were voices in the background. You could faintly see what looked like a recording booth behind him.

"Yeah I have it. When are you getting it?" You asked getting a little nervous thinking about the contents inside of it.

"Shit Ion know ." He says looking at you through the screen.

"Okay. It'll be waiting for you." You say looking back at him.

"Carti hurry up! They recording already!" A female voice says in the background.

"Aight shawty Imma hit you up later." He says as he hangs up.

You sigh heavily and put your phone down. The voice sounded very familiar. But who is it? Valerie was still running around cleaning the place. You didn't have the heart to tell her he wasn't actually coming since her place was in need of a cleansing anyway. Soon the lasagna dinged in the oven. You took it out to cool off and you both began to make yourselves a plate. The FaceTime call made you think of the bag again.

As you and Valerie finish eating, you both clean up, and chill on the couch together. Your phone chimes and you look over at it.

1 Message

This is Tristan. Is this Y/N?

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