Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Cliché

Paige's POV

 "Carmen... don't you think you're moving a bit fast with Wyatt?" I sigh, getting anoyed listen how happy they are. I'm happy she is happy, but still it all seems rushed to me. She quits talking a minute and looks at me, trying to figure out my mood. 

"I'm sorry I have a relatioship and you don't..." She sighs, and leans back in her chair indicating she is mad at me. I let out a breath, she can be such a drama queen sometimes! I get back to my homework, this is my only study hall I have, I hate wasting it. Which is what she does. Once I finish with everything I contemplate talking to her and trying to apologize. What she does bother me though. I'm not jealous she is in a relatinship. I'm just looking out for her best interest.  No I'm not going to apologize, she needs to apologize! When the bell rings, I gather me things and leave without even looking at her. I feel bad, but she needs to know I'm not going to kepp going through this shit with her. I slip into my desk in Mr. Parker's room, and I look down at my phone. Robbie sent me text earlier this morning, during first period.  Finally opening it now, I read his text.

Robbie: wanna run lines 2night? 8:58 A.M

I don't reply, I just find him when class is over. Mr. Parker comes in late, like usual, he tosses a subway wrapper in the trash and greets the class. After he takes role he gets to it, and the lesson is done and we have the last 5 minutes to start the worksheet. I don't bother with it, I'll just do it while I'm with Jake. Two birds one stone. Pulling out my  free  reading book, I open it up and read a quick chapter. When the bell does ring, I say goodbye to Mr. Parker after he hands me a couple things he wants me to go over with Jake. I run towards Robbie's locker and catch him just as he is closing it. 

"Hey!" I say, and he smiles. "I just now checked your text.. I can't  right now, but later I can." I offer. 

"Yeah that's cool!" He says, "See ya then!" He points at me with a smirk. I shake me head laughing at him, such a clown. I go back to my locker, and I realize I'm gonna be late if I don't book it! Sorting through everything I finally get all the papers I need, and I head to the library. I slip into the room, and I see he isn't even here yet. I relax sitting down. I look up, and see I'm even ten minutes late. Oh great where is he? I bet he doesn't want to see me. From this morning. He asked me out on a date though! I'm not stupid. He doesn't do dates, so obviously he had something planned. I wasn't going to fall for it. Including he was just going to bring me to his party! I shake my head don't get all mad and worked up, it's just going to make the session that much harder. 

I sit for another thirty minutes, and I know he isn't coming. At least I got my own work done waiting. Packing away all of my things, I leave the library. I can't believe he didn't even show up! He picked today out! Maybe he is done trying to pursue me. Although thinking of the party tonight, and how that's probably what he is doing is getting ready for that. I get in my car driving to my dorm, and throwing my stuff in my room. I'm buzzing with anger, he is such a jerk! Why did I even bother? I grab my phone, and leave for Robbie's place. I pull up, and I go inside seeing the preparation for one of these dumb parties. They put a lot of work into it I'll give them that. I go upthe stairs, and I find the elusive condom bowl, I role my eyes I didn't think they actually had one. I meet Carmen as I go up the second flight of stairs, she is coming down. We don't say a word. Just walk past each other like we've never talked before. 

The anger inside me just gets stronger, why is everyone around me at the moment acting like kids! Or am I the one acting like a kid? Should I really be mad at Carmen? What she said was a little out of line, but that's the way she is. She doesn't reall think before she speaks, and I don't have any idea where Jake and are at. We shouldn't be anywhere. I do need the service hours though.  Once I'm at Robbie's room, I knock and he opens it he is shirtless, with basketball shorts on and messy hair. 

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