Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- Unhappily Ever After

Paige's POV

I wipe away tears, as I run through my dorm. I need to shower and get ready. I've got only fifteen minutes to go ready. I stay in the shower rubbing my face hoping to rid my face of evidence from tears. I don't have time to wash my hair, I'm just going to have to braid it back. Once I'm out and dry, and throw on a paife of jeans, and a Harry Potter t-shirt. Then I slip on my Roxy's, and grab my school things I head out the door with my hands phone, and make my way to the school. I come in, and I see I'm not late. Mrs. Oliver isn't here yet, that's perfect. I sit down next to Robbie, who is looking down at his play book.

"I was starting to think you weren't comin, what happened?" He asks right away. He holds out a brownie and I smile, I didn't get breakfast and this would do, besides I might not get anymore with the whole pan being in his room. 

"Oh.. I just over slept." I say quietly, scanning the room for Jake. He isn't here either. I let out a breath, I can't believe I just walked out on him like that. He was desperate for me, why I don't know, but the longing and sadness his voice had. It got to me. It's hard for me to believe he is faking it. Last night at my car too, he begged me to stay. He didn't pull anything either, I even ended up in his bed! That was my fault though. Which reminds me I didn't ask why his brother was calling so early. 

"Paige Easton over slept!?" Robbie gasps, and it pulls me back to the present. I let out a fake smile, trying to laugh at his joke. I never over sleep so I'm just going to let him make his jokes.  "Ahhh it's alright happens to the best of us." He knudges me lightly. I nod, and I try to sort all my things out. I realize I left my phone in my dorm... or did I? I don't think I had it at my place. Maybe it's in my car, I had it with me when I was leaving Jake's dorm. No I didn't. It's on his nightstand! I lay my face in the palms of my hand. God, I'm going to have to go back there for it! "You okay?" Robbie asks. 

"Alright, darlings! Let's get started!" Mrs. Oliver strolls in, and Jake is right behind her. I look ahead and eat my brownie trying to play off that I'm fine.  "Let's start at the beginning, and I want the songs included this time!" She says, and everyone scurries to get in place. We all go back behind the stage, I take a peek at Jake, who is talking to Mrs. Oliver. He looks fine, I think. I can't tell from this far away.  I take a seat on the ground, as I watch and run lines with Robbie while the five gospel goddesses sing their beginning song. He has the lines for the first act remembered along with his song Go the Distance, which I haven't heard yet, but will today. Jake comes through the curtain walking right past us without even a glance, and he heads towards the backroom. Wonder what he is going to do back there? 

"Wish me luck!" Robbie whispers, and then he also slips through the curtain. I look back towards the direction Jake went, and there he stands. In front of the door to the backroom, holding my phone. All the air in my lungs leaves, and I blink not understanding. When I finally do get to my feet, I take a deep breath every other step. I walk past him and into the room, I hear the door close and the tension is back fully charged between us. 

"Can I just have it back." I speak, not wanting to fight. Not wanting to get into a serious conversation. "Then you wont have to talk to me again... I'll tell Mr. Parker you want a new tutor. What ever, but I don't want problems." I say hoping this is what he wants to hear. He sets my phone down on a table and walks towards me. He looks miserable. Just like I do I'm guessing. He isn't tired but his eyes aren't bright like normal, they're dull and out. I don't move standing my ground, I can't keep breaking. 

"After I'm done." he whispers, and in a flash he lifts me and my back is against a wall. His mouth covering mine, and hunger is seeping through his touch. My stomach erupts into butterflies, and the tension between us explodes showering lust over the two of us. I'm craving his touch, and wanting more and more of him even though I shouldn't. I wrap my legs around his hips, and I grip the hair on the back of his head in both hands with my elbows on his shoulders. No holding back now, I kiss him full blast. People can't feel these sorts of attractions can they? It's odd, it feels fairy tale like, almost like soul mates. A shiver runs through me, and I gasp. He takes his change sliding his tungue in. Although my gasp was because the shiver, soul mates. No way. That stuff is only in fairy tales. Taking a couple seconds to evaluate what's happening, I know what he wants. No! Not here, not like this! Tugging on his hair, I pull his head back, but I don't pull to hard to make it hurt. 

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