Chapter 28

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Chapter 28- Not Taking No

Jake's POV

I should've known what he was doing here. He is coming after Paige.  He didn't fall for any of the shit I said before. I watch through the glass to the gym, as the two of them talk and then hug. Time to make myself known. I don't know why they are hugging but I'm not okay with it. Paige turns to leave, and she stops seeing me. he is obviously confused, and unsure. She didn't answer my calls or my text, and she wasn't at school today. Mr. Parker came to practice this mornind and said she was sick, but she looks fine to me.  She looks away and walks around me leaving Jason and I. Once the door behind me closes, I glare at him. 

"What are you doing?" I ask. Happy I came to gym alone, I was going to invite Wyatt, but now I'm happy I didn't.. 

"I was gonna work out." He says, I see that he has been doing something but what if he wasn't working out. "Dancing... she showed me a couple ballet moves."  He answers my unspoken question. She danced with him!? What in the hell!?  How did he even know she danced? Why did she dance with him and not me? I don't have any idea how to do ballet but I'm sure I know more then him. 

"No." I say. "What are you doing here... teaching at my school. Dancing with my tutor, and one of the students?"  I say trying to still sound like I'm not into Paige. But I haven't been able to get her off my mind since last night. Then when I woke up this morning and she was gone, that just made everything worse! Then when she didn't come to school that made it three times worse! 

"I'm working out my work schedule, Jake. I'm a new teacher here. I'm also the new baseball coach." He smirks at me. "I'm actually living on campous now."  My world tumbles around me. This isn't happening. It can't be. 

"Really?" I ask, he nods. "Fun... think about all the girls you'll get." I add. "Let me guess, Paige is top on your list."  I shake my head. 

"Nah, she is actually pretty cool. I don't understand how you aren't into her at all."  he questions. "We're just friends... if that even." He says, then walks toward the door. "Later little brother." He smiles, I don't reply. I put in my ear phones, turn the music up all the way, and get to work. Happy I can get anger out here.


I'm official obsessed. I've been pacing around my room for the past three hours, just thinking about Paige. We slept together and haven't talked since... which is normally how I operate... but I want more of her. God, what happened between us was something that I've never felt before ever. I was her first, and that really means something to me. It means she trusted me, which she said would never happen but it did! Looking at the clock, I see it is already past midnight. I make a couple more rounds around my room still trying to figure out what to do. When it's two o'clock, I grab my gym shoes, and leave. 

Before I know it I'm outside Paige's dorm, trying to catch my breath. Why did I come here? She is sleeping, and what would I say anyways? Looking up at her window, yes I know where her room is, I see the light off but the blinds open. Looking around to see if anyone else is out right now, I let out a breath. 

What should I do? I know Jason isn't getting her. I will not let that happen! Thinking about anyone having her but me  pisses me off! Looking back up to her window, I wish the liht would flick on or I would see a shadow. I look at the ground dreading whats to come tomorrow. I want to see Paige and talk to her, but I don't understand where we stand. I don't understand anything anymore. I lean against the tree beside me, wishing a book would just fall from the sky to tell me everything to do. 

I need to sleep. I'm gonna be a grouch if I don't sleep at all. Pushing of the tree, I take one last glance up at her room. The light is still off. There is movement inside her room, it stops me from walking away. The window slides open, and there she is. I stay back under tree unsure if she can see me, but I can see her. She sit in in the sill looking out, even from here I can tell she is just as miserable as I am. After a couple minutes she closes the window half way, and then she disapears. I know she is awake. I know she isn't happy. 

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