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As the ninja sneaked into the cavern beneath Borg Industries, Willow couldn't focus. Her head wa still throbbing, not to mention she couldn't see a thing.

"Is everybody still here?" Lloyd's voice said."Sound off. Jay?"

"I'm still here!" He cried.








Willow opened her mouth to speak but a hand clamped over her mouth. She screamed through the fingers of the kidnapper.

"Willow?" Lloyd called.

Willow kicked the air and tried yanking herself out of the person's grasp.

"Calm down," The stranger said."This will all go a lot faster if you relax."

"What fwill gah alet fester?" (What will go a lot faster?)

"You'll see..."

She ripped the hand off of her mouth and gathered her voice.

"Lloy--" She screamed. The person threw her to the ground and she cried out with agony as the impact burned through her spine and skull. The mystery person struck her side, hard with his foot, and she let out a strangled shout. She felt another agonizing kick to her stomach.

"Willow!" Lloyd yelled, but it was muffeled."Where are you?!"

"Lloyd..." She choked out. She wanted to start crying but she was already far too gone.

* * *

Willow awoke to the sound of a rock screeching against metal. She opened her eyes and saw someone who was chained to the wall and banging a rock against it. She groaned and tried to reach towards the door but she too had chains around her arms.

"You're awake. Good." The person across the room said. It wasn't bright enough for Willow to see the detail in his face but he had a silver bowl cut for a hairstyle. He broke the chain and it fell off of his wrists. He rubbed them, standing.

"Are you alright?" He asked, walked to her and started banging on her chains to.

"No," She said."My side hurts but only when I breath."

"There's not much you can do about that."


After a few minutes, Willow was free.

"Thanks," Willow said, getting to her feet."Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter. We need to get out of here." He looked out the window of the door.


He touched the lock and it froze.

Wait a second.

He hit the lock with a rock and it shattered. They ran down the dim hall. Willow could see her rescuer better now. He was silver with glowing blue eyes. He looked somewhat familiar.

"I know where the others are. They went back to the Samurai X cave."


"They couldn't find anybody."

"Come on, then. Let's go."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because. If I leave, There's no doubt Master Chen will find me." Master Chen? "And whatever happens, don't tell anyone about me. Go on. You'll see me sooner than you think, Willow." Willow continued running as he stopped."Good bye Willow." She blinked as his last few words echoed through her mind:"My sister." She whizzed around and he was gone. That couldn't have been. No.

"Zane?" She wimpered.

* * *

She limped to the Samurai X Cave. Once she reached the inside she fell to her stomach.

"Willow!" Sis voices yelled. They ran to her and Kai helped her stand.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"No..." She stumbled.

"We were so worried." Lloyd said, relieved."How'd you escape?"


And whatever happens, don't tell anyone about me.

"I broke the chains with a rock and used my powers to open the cell door." She felt tears in her eyes. Zane was alive. Her brother was alive.

"You sure you okay?" Lloyd took her shoulders. She wiped away her tears and smiled.

"I'm--" Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat."I'm alright."

"Did you say you used your powers to escape?" Sensei Wu asked."You're not prepared to handle your powers yet."

"I'm sorry Sensei... It's just that... There was someone else in there with me. And... He needed help. He... Rememinded me of Zane."

There was a silence. Willow felt something pierce her head as the room lurched sideways. She stumbled back and grasped her head, shout with pain. A vision flashed across her eyes. It was Zane. Then she saw an island and an orange ninja.

You have the darkest heart of everyone, Willow. I will return.

"Willow!" They yelled.

Willow panted as she released her head."I-I..."

"Willow..." Lloyd said and randomly hugged her."Are you okay?"

"I-I... I can't..." Everyone group hugged."I don't know what's wrong with me..." They backed away from each other and Sensei walked to her.

"You're spirit hasn't been fully connected with your dark element." Sensei explained. We'll have to go deeper into you're training. You, Garmadon, Lloyd and I will have to go somewhere concealed to continue."

"Why do I have to go?" Lloyd asked.

"You have learned how to control your golden power and... You are no longer the student. You are now the Sensei."

Lloyd and Willow beamed and she threw his arms around him in a hug.


"This is... Wow!" Lloyd exclaimed.

To be...

Wait a second!

The darkness of myself lives in you Willow. And I will come back for you. For Lloyd.

For Ninjago.

To be continued . . .

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