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Lloyd opened his eyes to see a blue, weird version of Cyrus's office. He looked to his left to see Willow in a chair like his. She moaned, opening her eyes. She noticed him and scowled.

"What're you doing her, Lloyd?!" She cried angrily."You--"

"I didn't want to leave you in here alone." He said sternly.

"I'll be fine." She got to her feet but then just about fell flat on her face, yelping.

"Yep." Lloyd said, helping her stand."You sure do."

"Shut up." Lloyd smirked."Where do you think he would be?"

"I don't know." They walked, Willow almost fell again though, over to the window and glanced at the, also blue, ground. The land in front of "Borg Industries" was broken and there seemed to be another room beneath it."That's where the others reboot the Overlord's virus. The reboot activation port. Do you have any idea where he could." She touched her head, just behind her eyes, and groaned, closing her eyes. Lloyd touched her shoulders.

"You okay?"

"I just... Have a feeling... He would be..." She gasped. "What you just said. The reboot activation port." Lloyd sometimes didn't trust or understand her, but he trusted her this time. Lloyd leaped out of the window and the wind rushed past his ears. He whooped in joy then landed on his feet, grinning. He just jumped about 100 stories. He had heard Willow cry out before he had jumped.

"How did you do that?" She called. He laughed.

"The guys told me you can do anything in this place! Imagine it!"

Willow sprung out the window while screaming, first out of terror and uncertainty then out of pure exhileration. She landed next to him, panting.

"So?" Lloyd flashed his teeth at her."What do you think?"

"Well," She tapped her chin thoughtfully."When can I do it again?"

They chuckled and look over at the huge crack in the ground next to their feet. He took her hand. Looks of seriousness on both their faces.

"You ready?" He asked. She nodded.

"Are you ready?" She said, both of them knowing they won't ever see each other again.

"No." Lloyd muttered. He took both her hands."No, I can't. I don't want to lose you. Not again."


P.I.X.A.L. observed Lloyd and Willow carefully in the rea world; they were silent and still, except for their facial expressions. Sometimes they formed smalls smiles then went back to normal.

"Both their heart-rates have increased dramatically," The girl with silver hair and green eyes said."Peculiar." Cyrus was tampering with the big screen so they could see what was happening in the Digiverse. It instantly turned on and Willow and Lloyd were holding each other's hands. Kai, Cole, Jay, and Steel smirked.

"Lloyd," Willow said."This is the only way we can save Ninjago. You know that."

"Yes I do but..." He looked down then met her eyes.

"C'mon Lloyd." Jay said, for some reason not knowing Lloyd can't here him."Make you're move!"

They kissed and the four ninja laughed. This may be a serious occacsion, but they had to laugh.

BACK TO THE DIGITAL WORLD . . . (Wink wink for all those Digimon fans. Lol!)

They broke apart and jumped into the hole. As they walked towards a strange, huge black creature inside a giant cage, it noticed them and growled. Willow stopped, staring at it. The Overlord. Lloyd looked at her and she panted.

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