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*You have been warned...*

Willow focused on her breathing and heartrate. Mostly breathing. This was a breathing exercise anyway. The last exercise of her training. (Sorry I didn't show her other training exercises but you'll thank me. This is where it gets really good!!!)  She opened one eyes to look at Lloyd, sitting between herself and Garmadon, his hands folded together and breathing deeply.

"Willow," He said, smirking."Concentrate." She frantically closed her eye and tried to remember what she was supposed to be doing. She focused on syncing her breathing with his, her hands shaking. She was scared; terrified. What would happen if she lost her focus? What if she heard the strange voice again? What if--

I cannot be destroyed...

Only contained...

Willow... I want to help... but there is... a MONSTER inside of me...

Willow saw a strange image flash across her mind. She saw herself in a tube, shouting and falling to her knees.

"Alright," Wu said."That's enough breathing for now." They all stood and Lloyd took Willow's hand.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," She said. She looked at Garmadon."Sensei Garmadon... I've been hearing this weird voice in my head. I can't..." She sighed.

"I know how to help." He smiled."Come with me." He motions her to follow him and Willow does after looking at Lloyd over her shoulder.

"How long have you been hearing these voices?" Sensei Garmadon asked.

"A few days, at least."

"Alright... Think of the sound of rain. Drown out the voices by imangining the sound of rain."


"Try it."

She thought of the thousands of millions of raindrops falling from the dark grey sky, pitter-pattering onto the leaveless trees. She felt relaxed like she never wanted to leave this amazing world. But sadly she was snapped back to reality.

"That was..." She started but she couldn't of anything else to say. They walked over back to Lloyd and Wu. Lloyd was firing spheres of golden energy into the distance. Willow stared at him, her eyes scanning his body. Heat rushed to her face and her eyes locked on his face. He was panting with a look of pure determination on his face. Willow had only seen him like this one other time; when he saw Steel for the firsttime, when he thought Willow had gone to the evil side. Why would he think that? He didn't trust her that's why. 

She heard something disturb her thoughts... Like... and echoing.

"Willow!" Lloyd shouted. He is in front of her now with a concered look on his face. She shook her head.


"You okay? I shouted your name, like, eight times."

"Oh," She replied."Yes... I'm fine."

"Lloyd. Willow." Wu said. They looked at the two senseis.

"We're off to collect some supplies." Gamradon said."Stay safe."

"Okay." Lloyd said. Willow didn't say anything. She only looked over at Lloyd, who stared back at her. Garmadon and Wu vanished down the mountain.

"Willow," Lloyd muttered. She turned to him.


He didn't reply, he only leaned in and kissed her.

"Willow! Lloyd!" Four voices shouted. They quickly broke away from each other and saw Kai, Steel, Cole, and Jay run to them.

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