The Revival

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"TommyInnit has been revived"

Tubbo's POV

"T-Tommy?" Tubbo whispers. He quickly dashed to the prison, Ranboo following behind him "Tubbo wait up!". They stopped once they saw the prison. "Tubbo hop on my back" Ranboo said to Tubbo. He does so and they quickly teleport to the prison. (Ranboo can only teleport to places he can see). "SAM" Tubbo yelled, getting off Ranboos back. Sam soon came out of the prison with Tommy on his back. "T-Tommy" Tubbo said in shock, almost not believing Tommy was there right infront of him. It may had been only 2 weeks but it felt like forever since Tommy had gotten trapped in the prison.

No ones POV (it will be this for most of the time btw)

Tommy quickly ran to Tubbo, hugging him tightly. "I missed u man, so much" Tommy said with tears forming in his eyes. "Same here big man". "Oh hey Ranboo" Tommy said, looking over Tubbo's shoulder. "Haha, hey Tommy" Ranboo laughed. "Hey Tubbo, Ranboo, can I speak to u guys for a sec" Sam said, not wanting to interrupt but it was kinda important. Sam walked around the prison for Tubbo and Ranboo to follow so Tommy couldn't hear.

"Tommy told me that he hates taking damage or any form of damage. He stutters sometimes. Do not mention the prison to him or death or else panic attacks are going to happen. That's all really, plz take care of him, u have no idea" Sam explained, making Tubbo worried. They went back over to Tommy. "Hey Tommy, some things have been added since u have been trapped so why don't we have a tour" Tubbo said calmly. Tommy nodded and followed them around. "U built an Inn? Right next to my hotel?!". "Yup". They continue walking, leaving the hotel for last.

Once they had finally got to the hotel, Tommy immediately remembered Sam Nook. "SAM NOOK!" Tommy said excitedly, running over to the NPC. "Hello TommyInnit, weeds have grown since the last time u have been here, did u have a nice vacation?" Sam Nook asked. "Vacation? Who told u I was on a vacation?" "Employee Jackmanifold, he said he would take over whilst u were gone". Tommy got mad at this and stormed into the hotel, heading to Jack whilst Tubbo and Ranboo talked outside about what things would be safe to say around Tommy.

"T-tommy?!" Jack stuttered, surprised at the dead but very much alive person infront of him. "Hey Jack" Tommy said, annoyed at what he did. "But I thought u were dead?" Tommy hadn't heard Jack say this, he was in his own thoughts. "Have u seen Moana? Wait no that's not the reason I'm here. WHY HAVE U TAKEN MY HOTEL!" Tommy yelled, almost distracted. "Well it's my hotel now, so bugger off" Jack said, not wanting anything to do with Tommy right now. He started to climb up the ladder with Tommy following. "Wait up! We need to talk about this! This is my hotel!". "WELL ITS NOT ANYMORE!" Jack yelled back at Tommy. Leaving Tommy shocked.

"WHAT CAN I DO TO PROVE TO U THAT THE BOOK IS REAL" Tommy started having flashbacks. "I-I'll d-deal with y-you later" Tommy said, getting out of there.

He ran out the building, falling into Tubbo's arms. "Hey Tommy, oh" Tubbo said, looking at Tommy's face, his face was all red with tears in his eyes. "I- I don't wanna die" Tommy said with shaky words. "Tommy ur not gonna die, ur with us! We will keep u safe" Ranboo said, trying to make Tommy feel better, and it kinda worked. Tommy looked up at Ranboo, Ranboo smiled.

"I- I wanna go home". "ok big man, let's go home" Tubbo said, holding Tommy's hand as they walked over to Tommy's house. "W-why are there flowers outside my house?" Tommy said with a confused look on his face. "Well I thought it would be nice to put them there since you-". Tubbo slapped his hand over Ranboos mouth. "Remember" Tubbo whispered in his ear. "Since it was ur favourite 2 colours, why not put the same colours outside ur house!". "Oh thanks" Tommy said, going inside and lying on the bed. "Sorry" Ranboo said quietly before heading inside after Tubbo.

"Where's all my stuff?" Tommy said, looking at his now missing chests. "I actually don't know, I have been at Snowchester with Ranboo. We decided to come down here today to see all the people and how they're doing" Tubbo explained. Tommy sighed and went to his bed again with Tubbo and Ranboo following. "So whats ur relationship with each other?" Tommy questioned, actually curious. "We are platonic lovers!" "We're married, to put it short" Ranboo said. Tommy looked hurt by this. *So does that mean I'm not going to be able to see Tubbo anymore?!* Tommy thought.

"Will I still be able to see u?" Tommy asked, looking at Tubbo worriedly. "Of cause! U can visit us whenever u like!" Tubbo replied with a smile. "Tubbo can we go and sit on the bench" Tommy asked, missing the peaceful times. "Sure!" They went outside on the bench whilst Ranboo went to visit Phil and Techno. "So don't u have a son now?" Tommy asked, looking out into the sky. "Yup! It took us so long to get him in the house u have no idea. His names Michael, maybe u can see him someday?" Tubbo said, kinda wanted Michael to see his... Uncle?

"I missed u so much Tubbo". "I missed u to Tommy" They both said as the sun set over the hills in the distance. They both sat there, watching it go down, Tommy was kinda tired so he rested his head on Tubbo's shoulder, Tubbo smiled and ruffled his hair. Once the sun was no longer there, Tommy went to bed and Tubbo went home, not before hugging and saying good bye tho.

Hello! What do u think of the first chapter?! Pog or nah?

Anyway I hope u have a good day/night!
Drink and eat so u can make Tubbo proud!

Also if u haven't read the description, what r u doing, plz go read it now <3


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