Cobble Tower! And more...

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[knock knock knock]

Tommy heard a knock, waking him up. He got out of bed to see who was at the door. "Good morning Tommy! I just wanted to come 'round and see how u r doing!" Tubbo said, walking into Tommy's house. "Apart from the fact I just woke up, I'm fine. And u?" "Oh ye I'm good, Ranboo's at home taking care of Michael so I decided to visit u!" Tommy nodded and started making breakfast for himself.

"Can u stay with me today?" Tommy asked, not wanting to be a bother to Tubbo but he felt like he needed him. Just because he said he was fine, doesn't mean he was telling the truth. Deep down he wanted to fall into Tubbo's arms and tell him all about it but he was scared of what Tubbo would think and what he would do. "Of cause I can! What do u want to do today?" Tubbo asked,  looking over to where Tommy is. "Can we build a cobble stone tower, like the old days?" Tommy asked, hoping he will say yes so they can hang out. "Sure! We can start after ur breakfast" Tubbo said. Tommy nodded in agreement, ate his breakfast and got started on the cobblestone tower.

"So Tubbo, how have u been?" "I've been ok, although I will admit I was very worried about u man, I mean u were stuck in there with-" *I probably shouldn't continue this* He thinks to himself. "So Tommy, how have u been the past 3 days?" He asked, trying to settle the mood. "I've been ok I guess" "U guess?" Tommy waited for a second before answering. "Hey Tubbo, can we talk when we finish the tower" He asked, really needing this. "Sure, u can say whatever, oh btw Ranboo's coming over later. U know he's been worried about u to!"

"He has?" Tommy said whilst they walked to the spot and started building. *Why would he worry about me? Yes we may of burnt a house down accidentally but I didn't think he saw me as a friend?* Tommy thought. "Of cause! He's ur friend after all" Tubbo said, sounding kinda surprised that Tommy didn't think Ranboo cares about him. They finished off the tower and sat at the top. As they look around the SMP they hear a teleporting noise behind them. "Hey guys" Ranboo said, sitting down next to them. "Oh hey Ranboo" Tommy said, about to speak with Tubbo but I guess that plan was ruined.

Ranboo sat down next to Tubbo and held his hand. Tommy noticed this and said "Am I 3rd wheeling now or what". They all laugh at this and watch as the sky goes from blue to pinky orange to black. Tommy was to amazed by the beautiful colours to realise he was freezing. He looked over at Tubbo and Ranboo and saw them cuddling for warmth. Tommy looked away in jealousy and huffed. "Come here Tommy" Ranboo said, Tubbo sat up a bit and held his arms out for Tommy, he submits and crawls into the hug.

Soon after they got down and went into Tommy's house. He decided to go for a walk, whilst Tubbo and Ranboo stayed at Tommy's dirt shack. Whilst on the walk he got out his phone and put on some music, he forgot his earphones so he put the phone to his ear. He started humming the wii shop theme and felt at home again, not trapped, but free. Now that his only worry is locked up, there's nothing else to worry about... Right?

On his way back home, he noticed Jack coming his way, he sighed and continued walking, completely ignoring him. Jack sighed in Tommy's face as he walked past. *Weirdo* Tommy thought and kept walking to now the Able Sisters. Once home he opened the door, he saw Ranboo and Tubbo hugging on his sofa asleep. He sighed and went to bed.


Tommy immediately woke up, getting out of bed to see what the noise was. He ran to the main room and saw Ranboo just standing there whilst Tubbo was still on the sofa (he's a heavy sleeper ok). "Hey Ranboo you good?" Tommy asked, kinda concerned for him since he was just standing there in the middle of the room. Ranboo turned to Tommy and without breaking eye contact with him, he slowly began to walk towards him.

"I- I can't move" Tommy whispered. Ranboo then felt a tug on the back of his jacket and woke up, towering over Tommy who was in the corner with tears forming in his eyes. He turned around to see Tubbo. "Ranboo are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine, what happened?" Ranboo asked, really trying to remember what had happened before. "Y-you started to t-tower over me w-without breaking e-eye contact" Tommy said out of fear, still in the corner with his arms above his head. Ranboo quickly turned back around and hugged Tommy. This made him finch but Ranboo didn't notice. He picked Tommy up and put him on the sofa.

His breathing was calming down a bit. "Hey Tommy u ok?" Tubbo said, now hugging Tommy for comfort. He hugged Tubbo back "Y-yeah I'm fine, why did u do that?" He asked, now looking up at Ranboo, growing fearful of him. "I- I don't know what came over me, I- I'm so sorry" Ranboo said with a worried and concerned look on his face. "I-it's ok, just never do it again" Tommy said, hugging Tubbo tighter. Ranboo looked at his phone to see it was 2:04am.

"We should probably go back to sleep, it's 2:04am" Ranboo suggested. "Tommy do u mind if we stay here a little longer" Tubbo asked. Tommy looked up at Ranboo but agreed anyway and went back to bed whilst Ranboo and Tubbo got comfy on the sofa again but this time with a blanket.

So if u couldn't tell then, that was Ranboos first time ender walking.

Nothing else to say except from CYA!!

1021 words

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