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"Hello Tommy" Tommy woke up, his breathing was very fast. He looked around, seeing no one. *I must be hearing things, I mean that wouldn't be surprising* Tommy thought to himself and laid back down to sleep. "Tommy" He shot up again, still no one was to be seen. *So I'm going crazy?* Tommy questioned before lying back down again. "Hey Tommy, I know you can hear me, remember how fun things used to be" Tommy realised the voice sounded like... Dream. Tommy sat up against the wall, looking around his dark room.

He kept looking until Dreams figure was slowly appearing in the corner of the room. "Hello Tommy, am I real or not, you decide" 'Dream' laughed. Tommy knew he wasn't really their but he was still scared sh*tless. "P-please go away" Tommy begged, tears forming in his eyes and his breathing got faster the more Dream spoke or moved.

"I don't think I will, I quite like it here, I might stay" Dream laughed and started to move towards Tommy. "N-no! Y-you can't s-stay here" Tommy yelled and tried to move back but failed, the wall was stopping him. He reached to grab his phone and quickly texted the first person he saw, Phil. "Help" Tommy quickly texted before looking back up to see 'Dream' towering over him with a netherite axe in his right hand. "Well then, I guess I'll see you next time" Dream said before laughing and disappearing.

Tommy had his arms shielding his face with his knees up to his chest. He was hyperventilating and shaking a lot. He soon saw black spots in his vision until he couldn't see anything but black.

"TOMMY PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR" Tommy woke up and heard banging on his front door, but he couldn't move, the voice was coming back. "Oh Tommy" 'Dream' said, appearing back into his vision. Tommy's bedroom door then swung open and a worried father with a worried brother flew into the room. They both looked around to see if there was any danger, nothing. They both then saw Tommy and ran up to him. "Tommy!" They both yelled, crouching infront of the boy.

Tommy was hyperventilating again and shaking. Techno climbed onto the bed and pulled Tommy into a tight hug. "Tommy look at me, it's ok now" Phil said, holding the boys hands. Tommy looked at Phil, calming down at the sight of his father. "It's ok, look! There's Techno, and I'm here to! Your ok now" Phil said calmly, rubbing circles with his thumb on Tommy hands. Tommy nodded and put his head on Technos shoulder whilst Techno continued to hug him.

"Look, just breathe with me ok, ready" Phil said, breathing loudly for Tommy to copy. Tommy looked at Phil and tried, he was succeeding. Once Tommy had calmed down, he was still crying but it was an improvement. "Your ok now" Phil whispered to Tommy, giving a warning smile. Tommy smiled back and patted the spot next to him and Techno for Phil. He climbed onto the bed and hugged his sons. "What happened" Techno asked. "H-he appeared again" Tommy started to panic again as he saw the figure in the corner of the room.

"Oh ok- Tommy?" Phil said was a confused look on his face. *Whats so interesting about the wall* Phil thought, making himself laugh before noticing he was now shaking and hyperventilating again. "Tommy!" Phil shook Tommy, making Techno realise what was going on. Techno looked down at Tommy and saw him starring at the corner of the room. He then put his hand over Tommy's eyes and whispered into his ear "No ones there Tommy, it's ok, when I remove my hand I want you to look at me ok" Techno said calmly, Tommy nodded in response.

Techno removed his hand, making Tommy look up at him, tears were flowing down his face. Techno smiled at him and cupped his face in his hands. "You ok mate" Phil asked, making Tommy jump a bit. Tommy looked over at Phil and nodded slightly. "I-I saw him again, h-he was r-right there" Tommy said, pointing to the corner, luckily not seeing the figure again, making Tommy sigh in relief. "It's ok now, want us to stay here" Phil asked with a smile. Tommy nodded slightly and returned the smile.

Phil and Techno slept on the sofa whilst Tommy slept in his bed. "Good night Tommy" they both said before smiling at Tommy and closing his door. "Night" Tommy replied, getting into the warmth of his covers once again. *Your such a baby, needing your dad to take care of you at 16, how pathetic* the voice in Tommy's head perked up. *Oh shut up, like you can say much* Tommy argued back. He blocked out the noise and went back to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter...

Idrk what this was but y'know what... idk

Me big dumb ok

836 words

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