Enderwalking again

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Tommy was the first one to wake up out of the three. He noticed Ranboo was gone, it was just Tubbo sleeping peacefully. He wouldn't be worried if what happened yesterday didn't happen. He got up, rubbed his eyes and started to look for him. He wasn't anywhere in the mansion so he went to look outside. He first went to Michael's room. He wasn't there, although Michael was awake so he said hi, they hugged and Tommy left.

He then saw purple particles go back into the mansion with a black and white tale following. "Hey, Ranboo" Tommy said, catching up to him. He got pushed away, flying into the wall by Ranboo. Ranboo looked back at him then kept walking. *Ow, wait where is he going* Tommy thought. *Their bedroom*. Tommy quickly got up, stumbling a bit before gaining strength again and running past the hypnotised man to the room.

He ran in and locked the door, using his body to help block out Ranboo. Tommy then heard scraping from the other side, as if Ranboo was trying desperately to get in. "R-Ranboo are you conscious" Tommy yelled out to Ranboo, making Tubbo wake up. "What's going on? Are you ok?" Tubbo said, running up to Tommy. Tommy didn't noticed tears rolling down his cheeks. He then sniffled "i-its Ranboo, he's gone all purple again". Tubbo started to panic "I need to go out there, h-he needs me I-" Tubbo then stopped himself when Ranboo budged the door but that wasn't what he noticed, he noticed Tommy wince at something.

"Tubbo please, don't" Tommy said, looking back at Tubbo. "O-ok, did something happen?" Tubbo asked. "Well I noticed he was gone, then I went to go and find him. I saw his purple particles going back into the mansion, I asked him if he was ok and he pushed me really far back and I hit my head and back, I'm ok tho" Tommy explained, hissing again when 'Ranboo' pushed the door. They then heard an enderman noise, as if he was trying to talk to them, it was short tho and none of them knew enderman.

Tubbo pulled Tommy away from the door, ready for it to open. "Why did you do that?!" Tommy yelled, trying to get back to the door. "Let him come in, trust me" Tubbo said, unlocking the door and running back, pulling Tommy behind him, kinda failing since he's smaller than Tommy. Ranboo then burst into the room, scaring them both. He then began walking towards them. Tommy pulled Tubbo behind him, not caring if he got hurt. Ranboo stopped once he got in arms length of Tommy. He picked the boy up and flung him to the other side of the room. Tommy hit the floor with a thud.

Tubbo started to run towards Tommy but was stopped by Ranboo grabbing the back of his jumper. "Ranboo please, this isn't you, keep fighting, it's gonna be ok" Tubbo panicked, being picked up by Ranboo. Tubbo cupped Ranboos face in his hands and smiled at him. Ranboo then shook his head and accidentally dropped Tubbo. Tubbo fell to the ground, looking back up at Ranboo. "T-Tubbo" Ranboo said quietly. He then looked over at Tommy who was sitting up against the wall with a bloody face, holding his stomach.

Tubbo then heard Tommy cough. He instantly ran to his best friend. "Tommy!" He yelled, skidding on the wood and hugging him. "I'm f-fine" Tommy said, attempting to get up before instantly falling back down. "Wow take it easy big man" Tubbo said, letting Tommy rest on him. Ranboo then stumbled over to them, rubbing his head. "W-what happened" Ranboo said. "You lost control again" Tubbo said. Ranboos face then instantly turned to a shock face. He ran over to Tommy, helping him up.

He carried Tommy to the bed, sitting him up. "W-what did I do" Ranboo asked. "Well you kinda threw me against a wall very hard twice" Tommy said. "Ranboo there's a medkit in Michael's room, can you go and get it please" Tubbo asked. Ranboo nodded and ran to where Michael is. Tubbo then looked back at Tommy. "How are you feeling". "Like I just got thrown into 2 walls, i don't know" Tommy laughed. Ranboo came running back in with a medkit. Placing it on the bed and grabbing the bandages from it, wrapping them around where's needed.

Tubbo grabbed the cotten wool thingys and cleaned up the blood. "You know I can do it myself" Tommy said, going to get up. "No! Let us help" Tubbo said, pushing him back down. Once Tommy was fixed, they all went to Tommy's house. "I- I have a question" Tommy said as they walked out the mansion. *Wait no why did I say that, I'm such an idiot* "Go ahead" Tubbo said, looking at Tommy. "Well- never mind" Tommy said, sighing and looking down at the ground. He was going to ask if they really cared about him but that was useless, he most likely already knew the answer.

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